For Loop with a Continue Statement We can use the 'continue' statement inside the 'for' loop to skip any specific statement on a particular condition. It tells Bash to stop executing that particular iteration of the loop and process the next iteration. ...
/bin/bash echo -e "Enter absolute path of the file name you want to create" read file while read line do echo $line >> $file done $ sh Enter absolute path of the file name you want to create /tmp/a while for until $ cat /tmp/a while for until 上面的例子,从用户...
当在进入 bash 循环之前知道迭代次数时,通常使用 for 循环。Bash 支持两种 for 循环。bash for 循环的第一种形式是: forvarnameinlistdocommands ##Bodyofthe loop done 在上面的语法中: for、in、do 和 done 是关键字 列表是具有项目列表的任何列表 varname 是任何 Bash 变量名。 在这种形式中,for 语句执...
Next, execute the script as shown in the following. Watch how we get the Bash “for” loop iterating the items in the variable placeholder as expected. That’s how the Bash “for” loop works in its basic form. Working with Ranges The “for” loop is mainly used when you want to wo...
若要继续封闭FOR、WHILE或UNTIL循环的下一个迭代,请使用continue语句。 代码语言:javascript 复制 forIin12345do statements1 #Executedforall valuesof''I'',up to a disaster-conditionifany.statements2if(condition)thencontinue#Go to next iterationofIinthe loop and skip statements3 fi statements3done ...
Bash for Loop to Create the Skip and Continue Loop Bash lets you create a loop that skips a specific value and continues running afterward. The code syntax is as follows: for i in 1 2 3 4 5 do if [condition] then #Continue with the next iteration of i and skip the statement ...
Continue Statement in Bash For Loop The continue statement is used to skip the current code execution flow and the control goes to the next iteration of the loop. In the for loop, we can use the continue statement to skip its execution. You can see the loop prints all the values except...
A 'for loop' is a bash programming language statement which allows code to be repeatedly executed. A for loop is classified as an iteration statement i.e. it is the repetition of a process within a bash script. Tutorial details For example, you can run UNIX command or task 5 times or ...
for((i=1;i<=5;i++))doecho$idone It will produce the following output: 12345 Use ofcontinueStatement inforLoop We can put some conditions in the body of theforloop, followed by acontinuestatement to skip the next body of the loop. See the example: ...
For loop While loop Until loop This article is part of the on-goingBash Tutorialseries. Loops can be nested. Like any other programming language, bash also supports break statement to exit the current loop, and continue statement to resume the next iteration of the loop statement. ...