从上面的例子可以看出loop将花括号内的值增加 2 个值。 Bash For 数组循环 你还可以使用For Loop. 在下面的示例中,for loop遍历内部的所有值fruits array并将它们打印到标准输出。 #!/bin/bashfruits=("blueberry""peach""mango""pineapple""papaya")fornin${fruits[@]};doecho$ndone 1. 2. 3. 4. 5...
for循环一般格式为: for var in item1 item2 ... itemN do command1 command2 ... commandN done 例如,顺序输出当前列表中的数字: for loopin 1 2 3 4 5 do echo "The value is: $loop" done 输出结果: The value is: 1 The value is: 2 The value is: 3 The value is: 4 The value is...
你可以这样使用它:## declare an array variabledeclare&...
-eq等于 -lt小于 -gt大于 for定义 for loop in 1 2 3 4 5 do echo "hello" done 将test.txt中的单词一行行打印出来 for i in $(cat test.txt);do echo $i;done 还可以前面加上字符 for i in $(cat test.txt);do echo 123$i;done while定义 1.打印11-17; int=11; while (($int<18))...
echo "The value is: $loop" done 显示主目录下以 .bash 开头的文件: #!/bin/bash for FILE in $HOME/.bash* do echo $FILE done while循环 一般格式为: while command do Statement(s) to be executed if command is true done 例如: COUNTER=0 ...
使用嵌套的for循环bash 是一种在Linux命令行中执行循环操作的方法。Bash是一种常用的Unix shell和命令语言,用于编写和执行脚本。 在bash中,可以使用嵌套的for循环来实现对多个变量或数据集合的迭代处理。以下是嵌套的for循环bash的一般语法形式: 代码语言:txt 复制 for var1 in list1 do for var2 in list2 do ...
for i in {0..100}; do printf '%s\n' "$i" done 在可变的数字范围内循环 替代seq. 代码语言:txt 复制 # Loop from 0-VAR. VAR=50 for ((i=0;i<=VAR;i++)); do printf '%s\n' "$i" done 在数组上循环 代码语言:txt 复制
8.1. Declare simple bash array #!/bin/bash #Declare array with 4 elements ARRAY=( 'Debian Linux' 'Redhat Linux' Ubuntu Linux ) # get number of elements in the array ELEMENTS=${#ARRAY[@]} # echo each element in array # for loop ...
It is useful when storing data and reading it in different ways later. These arrays are good for storing different elements, such as strings and numbers. Here we are utilizing an array that contains students and reading them one by one using a "for a loop." #!/bin/bash students=(...
for i in "${arr[@]}" do echo "$i" # or do whatever with individual element of the arra...