\n\n"numbers='one_two_three_four_five'IFS="_"set$numbersprintf"full string:$numbers\n"printf"substring:$2\n" 运行bash 脚本如下。 bash substring.sh 从输出中,从字符串one_two_three_four_five中提取了子字符串two。 Script to extract a substring!full string: one_two_three_four_fivesubstring:...
Extracting a substring from a string is a fundamental and common operation of text processing in Linux. In this tutorial, we’ll examine various ways to extract substrings using the Linux command line. 2. Introduction to the Problem As the name suggests, a substring is a part of a string....
我们有多种方法可以从中把数字或指定部分字符串抽取出来。 How to Extract substring in Bash Shell on Linux or Unix 本文会向你展示在 bash shell 中如何获取或者说查找出子字符串。 在Bash 中抽取子字符串 其语法为: 复制 ##格式## ${parameter:offset:length} 1. 2. 子字符串扩展是 bash 的一项功能。...
我们有多种方法可以从中把数字或指定部分字符串抽取出来。 How to Extract substring in Bash Shell on Linux or Unix 本文会向你展示在 bash shell 中如何获取或者说查找出子字符串。 在Bash 中抽取子字符串 其语法为: 子字符串扩展是 bash 的一项功能。它会扩展成 值中以 为开始,长为 个字符的字符串。 ...
Script to extract a substring!full string: one_two_three_four_fivesubstring: three 在Bash 中使用子字符串扩展提取子字符串 子字符串扩展是一个内置的 bash 功能。它使用以下语法。 $(variable:offset:length) variable是包含字符串的变量名称。offset用于指定开始提取字符串的位置。length用于指定要提取的字符范...
Bash provides a way to extract a substring from a string. The following example expains how to parse n characters starting from a particular position. ${string:position} Extract substring from $string at $position ${string:position:length} ...
想了解更多请阅读 bash 的 man 页: man bash man cut 另请参见:Bash String Comparison: Find Out IF a Variable Contains a Substring 译文出处 via:https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/how-to-extract-substring-in-bash/ 作者:Vivek Gite译者:lujun9972校对:wxy...
Bash provides a way to extract a substring from a string. The following example expains how to parse n characters starting from a particular position. ${string:position} Extract substring from $string at $position ${string:position:length} ...
...How to Extract substring in Bash Shell on Linux or Unix 本文会向你展示在 bash shell 中如何获取或者说查找出子字符串。...在 Bash 中抽取子字符串 其语法为: 子字符串扩展是 bash 的一项功能。它会扩展成 值中以 为开始,长为 个字符的字符串。...假设, 定义如下: 那么下面参数的...
# Function to extract a substring from a string substring_extraction() { local str="$1" local start="$2" local length="$3" local substring="${str:start:length}" echo "Substring from position $start with length $length in '$str' is: '$substring'" ...