它告诉我yay没有安装,就停在那里。但是,当我在安装了yay的pc上运行它时,为什么它会忽略stow部分中的exit命令呢? 在这种情况下,您可以在父shell中保留while循环,同时将ls移动到子shell中: while IFS= read -r line; do stow -d config -t ~ -R "${line}" || error "Failed to stow ${line}." don...
exit命令以N的状态退出shell。它有以下语法: exit N 如果N未给出,则退出状态代码是最后执行的命令的退出状态代码。 在shell脚本中使用时,作为exit命令参数提供的值将作为退出代码返回给shell。 例子 命令的退出状态可以在条件命令中使用,比如if。在下例中,如果在filename中找到“search-string”,grep将以0退出(这...
exit命令用于退出当前shell,在shell脚本中可以终止当前脚本执行。 常用参数 格式:exit n 退出。设置退出码为n。(Cause the shell to exit with a status of n.) 格式:exit 退出。退出码不变,即为最后一个命令的退出码。(If n is omitted, the exit status is that of the last command executed. ) 格式:...
trap cleanupSIGINTSIGTERMERREXITscript_dir=$(cd"$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")"&>/dev/null&&pwd-P)usage(){cat<<EOFUsage:$(basename"${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")[-h][-v][-f]-p param_value arg1[arg2...]Script description here.Available options:-h,--help Printthishelp and exit-v,--verb...
我有一个脚本库,如果出现某种情况,它会使用很多exit命令。每次一个出口被击中,外壳就会关闭。关于这个问题,我看到了许多建议修改脚本的答案,但是我的脚本是第三方的,我假设作者并不意味着shell应该关闭,所以我假设还有其他的运行方式。如何运行这些脚本,以便只有脚本停止,但shell仍处于打开状态。目前我使用. scr...
~是 Bash 中意指此主目錄的另一個特殊字元。 不論您位於 Shell 的何處,都可以使用~來參考/home/yourname位置。 讓我們變更至保存記錄檔的目錄 (我們先前所在的位置): Bash cd.azure/commands/ 您可以自行輸入完整命令,或使用Tab來自動完成。 您現在應會看到您輸入命令的那一行看起來有點不同,其顯示您在殼層...
(source) command, it causes the shell to stop executing that script and return either n or the exit status of the last command executed within the script as the exit status of the script. not during execution of a script by . (source), the return status is false. Any command ...
ShellCheck - A shell script static analysis tool ShellCheck is a GPLv3 tool that gives warnings and suggestions for bash/sh shell scripts: The goals of ShellCheck are To point out and clarify typical beginner's syntax issues that cause a shell to give cryptic error messages. ...
Linux treats everything as a file and it is not mandatory to add extensions(.shor.bash) for your script. Though it is not mandatory, I would suggest you add an extension to your shell script, so you can come to know what type of file you are dealing with. ...
The most common logic errors in a shell script include: Incorrect use of a test operator in a Conditional Statement like using -z instead of -n in a if condition Incorrect use of an Arithmetic operator like multiplying instead of diving a number Incorrect condition to exit from a Bash Loop...