UYOU 你可以printf改用:printf "hello\nworld\n"printf比一致行为更一致echo。echo不同版本之间的行为差别很大。 0 0 0 忽然笑 你确定你在bash吗?这三种方式对我有用:echo -e "Hello\nworld"echo -e 'Hello\nworld'echo Hello$'\n'world 0 0 0 随时随地看视频慕课网APP 相关分类源码 spark分组...
multiline_string="It is line 1. It is line 2. It is line 3." echo "$multiline_string" OUTPUT 1 2 3 4 5 It is line 1. It is line 2. It is line 3. This example is the same as using echo with double quotes and single quotes, but it is preferred when we want to store...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于bash echo 换行的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及bash echo 换行问答内容。更多bash echo 换行相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
bash脚本 echo bash脚本语言 什么是 Bash 简介 Bash(GNU Bourne-Again Shell)是一个为 GNU 计划编写的 Unix shell,它是许多 Linux 平台默认使用的 shell。 shell 是一个命令解释器,是介于操作系统内核与用户之间的一个绝缘层。准确地说,它也是能力很强的计算机语言,被称为解释性语言或脚本语言。它可以通过将...
1 echo概述 echo主要用于回显,打印字符串。 SYNOPSIS echo [SHORT-OPTION]... [STRING]... echo LONG-OPTION -n do not output the trailing newline -e enable interpretation of backslash escapes -E disable interpretation of backslash escapes (default) ...
a=1# 定义变量(=两边不能有空格)a=1;b=2# 定义多个变量echo$a# 引用变量,进行打印echo${a}_xxx# {}引用变量---严谨写法echo"字符串:$a"# 双引号中才能引用变量 预定义变量 # 系统已经预制好的变量echo$PWDecho$USERecho$HOMEecho$PATH 数组...
cat <<EOF heredoc line 1 $(echo \ EOF ) heredoc line 3 EOF echo $(cat <<'EOF' heredoc line 1 $(echo \ EOF ) # Member nyamatongwe commented May 16, 2023 new test case (undocumented ...), but same behavior as Perl when there are backslash inside delimiter If its undocumented...
Newline in Bash is usually used to specify the end of a line and to jump to the next line. We can use either the echo or printf command to print a text in the console or terminal. This article will show how to print a newline in Bash.
echo-e'This is the first line \nThis is the second line' Output: This is the first lineThis is the second line We can use the$before the new line character, which is inside single quotes, to print a new line with echo. echoThis is the first line$'\n'This is the second line ...