1 下载安装 首先抛一个Windows用户的下载链接:Git for windows下载下来之后直接安装,除了下图选第一个,其他的不用改,直接next就行。 选这个use git from git bash only 安装完成后我的电脑上是显示了这么三个东西的。 Git CMD: Git CMD我并没用过,但是我查了一下它是什么。据别人说,Git中的Bash是基于CMD的...
4. Install Terraform for Windows Download Terraform. This article was tested using Terraform version 1.1.4. From the download, extract the executable to a directory of your choosing (for example,c:\terraform). Update your system's global PATH environment variable to include the directory that con...
1. 确保在Windows系统上已经安装了Git,可以从https://git-scm.com/downloads 下载并安装。 2. 确保已经启用了Windows资源管理器的右键上下文菜单功能。 步骤如下: 1. 打开Windows资源管理器,选择一个你想要在Git Bash中操作的目录。可以是一个文件夹或者是一个项目根目录。 2. 在选定的目录上点击右键,选择“Gi...
步骤11:选择终端模拟器 在这一步中,你需要选择用于运行Git Bash的终端模拟器。通常情况下,你可以选择默+生色吉他 要在Windows上安装Git Bash,您需要按照以下步骤进行操作: 步骤1:下载Git Bash安装程序 首先,您需要从Git官方网站下载Git Bash的安装程序。您可以在以下网址找到下载链接:https://gitforwindows.org/ ...
Once rebooted, open a PowerShell/command prompt and run “Bash” and follow the simple prompts to accept Canonical’s license and kick-off the download of the Ubuntu image: After download has completed, you’ll be able to start “Bash on Ubuntu on Windows” from the Start menu: ...
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https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/windows-it-pro-blog/updating-microsoft-secure-boot-keys/ba-p/4055324 Unlike to Windows Server, on Windows 11 all other security settings are disabled now, too (stated they are controlled by the admin) ...
I have updated my UEFI and redeployed Secure Boot settings. now on all windows versions (multiboot) I cannot enable VBS and Core Isolation anymore. I could enable it without errors but it becomes ... Ok fixed it. There is a new (BETA) BIOS, released som...
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