Bash prompt function to support display of git branch name along with: 256 color support for both background and foreground Display branch name in different colors for dirty/clean statuses Display additional indicators for various git statuses: Detects if you are in a git repo Detects stashed ...
其中包括,git自带命令,比如add,push,branch等 同时,显示了~/.gitconfig中配置的alias别名, 比如fea,brav,lg: [alias] fe = fetch fea = fetch --all pu = push pul = pull dt = difftool dfc = diff --color dfcol = diff --color dfcache = diff --cached dfca = diff --cached mt = merge...
This prompt is a port of the "Informative git prompt for zsh" which you can findhere Abashprompt that displays information about the current git repository. In particular the branch name, difference with remote branch, number of files staged, changed, etc. ...
rungit statusagain and you should see that it says "Your branch is up to date with 'origin/'." since the place we are pushing our code to is our branch that is being tracked by the origin, not the master
我知道在Linux中您可以使用cd */进入第一个可用目录,但是我需要一种使用Git进入第一个目录的方法。我正在为将在Linux和Windows机器上运行的Github操作编写bash命令,因此我需要一个跨兼容的解决方案。在gives上运行cd */会给出错误bash: cd: too many arguments。
aliasgs='git status' Mnemonic: gitstatus Example: $ gs On branch master Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'. nothing to commit, working directory clean gsh: git show Useful for looking at various kinds of objects. I mostly use it to view the previous commit in the tree.git...
git bash的简单应用 git bash的简单应用 多人协作工作模式操作顺序 常用命令 创建远程仓库 注意事项 多人协作工作模式操作顺序 首先,使用git add --all,git commit 将自己修改增加的文件上传到自己的版本库。 再用git push origin branch-name(要推送到远端的分支名)推送自己的修改到远端。 如果推送失败,则因为远...
else git clone --depth 1 "\$@" --branch master --single-branch fi # gcl EOF EOM chmod 700 root/bin/gcl } _ADDgcm_() { _CFLHDR_ root/bin/gcm cat >> root/bin/gcm <<- EOM if [[ ! -x "\$(command -v git)" ]] ...
Bash,Vim,gdb&git常用命令 Bash Vim 退出 :q 退出 :q! 不保存退出 :wq 保存并退出 保存 :w 保存 :w filename 另存为 :(#,#) w filename 另存(两行间内容)为 插入:r filename 提取磁盘文件并将其插入到当前光标位置 o 在光标下方打开新的一行并将光标置于新开的行首,进入插入模式。