delivery@delivery-E5450$ sudo sh [sudo] password for delivery: NAME="Ubuntu" === Installing packages python2.7 python-dev python-pip libssl-dev on Ubuntu === Ign stable InRelease Get:1 stable Release.gpg [916 B] Get:2 http:/...
*/if[["$OSTYPE"=~ ^linux ]];thensudo apt-get install <some-package>fi uname /*unameLinux */# Detect the platform (similar to $OSTYPE)OS="`uname`"case$OSin'Linux') OS='Linux'aliasls='ls --color=auto';;'FreeBSD') OS='FreeBSD'aliasls='ls -G';;'WindowsNT') OS='Windows';...
detect_output=$(sudo ddcutil detect) # 使用grep命令来检查输出中包含的显示器数量 display_count=$(echo "$detect_output" | grep -c "Display") # 输出显示器数量 echo "检测到 $display_count 个连接的显示器。" # 如果显示器数量大于1,则给出相应的提示 if [ "$display_count" -gt 1 ]; then ...
Install Misskey with one shell script! Contribute to dorufin/bash-install development by creating an account on GitHub.
If given an existing yaml, will merge in its original whitelists, dedupe, and write them back into the file using an in-place edit. Useful because ArgoCD 2.2+ doesn't show resources that aren't explicitly allowed, such as ReplicaSets and Pods - ...
## If you are on a 64 bit platform, everything should be running ## in 64 bit mode. This rule will detect any use of the 32 bit syscalls ## because this might be a sign of someone exploiting a hole in the 32 ## bit API. ...
sudo 以另一个用户的身份执行命令sudo命令在很多方面都类似于su命令,不过管理员可以通过配置sudo命令,使系统以一种可控的方式,允许一个普通用户以一个不同的用户身份(通常是超级用户)执行命令。在特定情况下,用户可能被限制为只能执行一条或者几条特定的命令,而对其他命令没有执行权限。另一个重要的区别在于,使用...
detect-virt 883 select 884 sg_get_config 885 sg_start 886 soelim 887 systemd-escape 888 selinux_check_access 889 sg_get_lba_status 890 sg_stpg 891 sort 892 systemd-firstboot 893 selinuxconlist 894 sg_ident 895 sg_stream_ctl 896 sotruss 897 systemd-hwdb 898 selinuxdefcon 899 sginfo ...
这个教程给出几个如何使用类似zenity和whiptail的工具在Bash Shell 脚本中提供消息/对话框的例子。使用这些...
if [[ "$line" =~ ^[^#]*= ]]; then name[i]=${line%% =*} value[i]=${line#*= } ((i++)) fi done < vars echo "total array elements: ${#name[@]}" echo "name[0]: ${name[0]}" echo "value[0]: ${value[0]}" ...