[root@test1 /]# du -sh /delete.tmp 4.7G /delete.tmp 2.使用tail 打开文件 用tail 打开文件,保证删除文件时,文件仍被占用 [root@test1 /]# tail -f /delete.tmp 3.删除文件 使用rm 删除文件,在以下df输出中会发现,可用空间还是7.5G,没有变化,但是文件已经消失了。 [root@test1 /]# rm -f /dele...
We can write a script to remove old files. We can do this by determining how old a script is and deleting it from a specific location. Let’s say we are going to delete files older than 90 days. If you do not have older files, you can create them with the command, ‘touch -d ...
The shell sets BASH_ARGC only when in extended debugging mode (see the description of the extdebug option to the shopt builtin below) BASH_ARGV An array variable containing all of the parameters in the current bash execution call stack. The final parameter of the last subroutine call is at...
username="denysdovhan" # declare variable echo $username # display value unset username # delete variableWe can also declare a variable local to a single function using the local keyword. Doing so causes the variable to disappear when the function exits.local local_var="I'm a local value"...
Delete all .bam files (Irreversible: use with caution! Confirm list BEFORE deleting):find . -name "*.bam" | xargs rm Rename all .txt files to .bak (backup *.txt before doing something else to them, for example):find . -name "*.txt" | sed "s/\.txt$//" | xargs -i echo mv...
Example 3: Delete a directory by force To remove a folder containing other files or folders within it, we have to use the “-rf” option along with the “rm” command. Assume you have a directory named /works/testproject/ of Git that contains the following two sub-folders and one text...
The following command uses theaz storage container deletecommand to delete a single named container and then delete multiple containers in a loop. Azure CLI az storage container delete\--name$container Get list of containers containing a specific prefix and store results into a variable. ...
Move files matching a glob pattern with mv pattern newdir mv*.csv data/# Move all CSV files to data dir Prevent overwriting existing files with mv -n mv-nsales.csv data/sales-2023.csv# Rename unless new filename exists Remove (delete) a file with rm ...
Here, thetrcommand used the-dparameter to delete all the occurrences, either it is in lowercase or uppercase. 6.1 Removing the First Character of a String Thetrcommand with the-doption can be used to remove the first character of the input string"Hello, World!", which is obtained using ...
echo"listing files in the current directory, $PWD" ls# 列出当前目录所有文件 首先,请注意第四行。在bash脚本中,跟在#符号之后的内容都被认为是注释(除了第一行)。Shell会忽略注释。这样有助于用户阅读理解脚本。 ?$USER和 $PWD都是变量。它们是bash脚本自定义的标准变量,无需在脚本中定义即可使用。请注意...