解释“bash: deb: command not found”错误的含义 当你在Linux终端中看到“bash: deb: command not found”这个错误时,意味着系统无法识别或找到名为deb的命令。这通常是因为deb不是一个独立的可执行命令,而是Debian及其衍生系统(如Ubuntu)中用于描述软件包格式的文件扩展名。 可能导致该错误的原因 命令输入错误:用...
~bash ifconfig:command not found 在刚安装好debian不久,查看ip的时候,发现 ifconfig 不能使用,提示信息如标题所示,尝试apt换源和更新后解决此问题 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 vi /etc/apt/sources.list # 阿里云 deb http://mirrors.aliyun.com/kali kali-rolling main non-free contrib deb-src http://mirro...
When working with the Linux-based operating system, Deepin, you may have come across an error message that reads "deb command not found deepin". This error usually occurs when you attempt to install or update a package using the Debian package manager, but your system cannot find the necess...
Mac电脑 出现这个问题,是因为当前可执行文件没有添加到path里面; 解决办法: 如果不想添加,这样使用...
W: Failed to fetch http://deb.debian.org/debian/dists/buster-updates/InRelease Temporary failure resolving 'deb.debian.org' W: Failed to fetch http://repo.mysql.com/apt/debian/dists/buster/InRelease Temporary failure resolving 'repo.mysql.com' ...
To verify if the command is correctly installed, depending on your distribution, run the following commands. $ dkpg -s htop [Ubuntu/Debian] dpkg-query: package 'htop' is not installed and no information is available Use dpkg --info (= dpkg-deb --info) to examine archive files, ...
其中,一个常见的问题就是在终端中输入命令时出现“-bash: command not found”或类似的错误提示。这种错误提示意味着系统找不到您输入的命令,这可能会让人感到困惑和不知所措。 有很多种原因可能导致这种错误发生。首先,可能是您输入的命令本身有误,或者命令不存在于系统路径中。在Linux系统中,系统会根据环境变量$...
Unfortunately, your link has been broken (or it might be inaccessible from Iran). Although there is not enough evidence of which Linux OS you are trying to use, a solution is provided as follow work under.deb(e.g. Ubuntu) and.rpm(e.g. Fedora) package managers. ...
centos 下ssh命令找不到(-bash: ssh: command not found) centos6.8使用ssh连接远程服务器提示:-bash:ssh:commandnotfoundcentos默认安装有ssh服务,没有客户端。查看ssh安装rpm-qa|grepopensshopenssh-5.3p1-123.el6_9.x86_64openssh-server-5.3p1-123.el6_9.x86_64没有安装openssh-clientsyum安装ssh客户端...