CONSEQUENT-COMMANDS列出了跟在then语句后面可以是任何有效的UNIX命令,任何可执行的程序,任何可执行的shell脚本或者任何shell语句,除了fi. 。重要地记住then和fi在shell里面被认为是分开的语句。因此,在命令行上使用的时候,他们用分号隔开。 在脚本中,if语句的不同部分通常是良好分隔的。以下是一些简单的例子:
就像if 使用fi 来结束一样,在条件列完之后必须用">"来结束。 后接then语句的命令 CONSEQUENT-COMMANDS 列出了跟在 then 语句后面可以是任何有效的UNIX命令,任何可执行的程序,任何可执行的shell脚本或者任何shell语句,除了 fi. 。重要地记住 then 和 fi 在shell里面被认为是分开的语句。因此,在命令行上...
Cloud Studio代码运行 ifCOMMANDSthen<COMMANDS>elif<COMMANDS># optional then<COMMANDS>else<COMMANDS># optional fi # required 再次强调,[是一个命令,它同其它常规的命令一样接受参数。if 是一个复合命令,它包含其它命令,[并不是 if 语法中的一部分。 如果你想根据 grep 命令的结果来做事情,你不需要把 grep ...
Basic If statements A basic if statement commands that if a particular condition is true, then only execute a given set of actions. If it is not true, then do not execute those actions. If statement is based on the following format: Syntax of If statement if condition then Code block exe...
Additionally, I ran the following shell commands: if[[$SHELL!='/bin/zsh']];thenecho"shell was$SHELL"echo'changing shell to zsh...'chsh -s /bin/zsh"$(whoami)"fi And now, here is the following ruby version I get back: ruby3.2.2(2023-03-30revision e51014f9c0)[x8...
if TEST-COMMANDS; then CONSEQUENT-COMMANDS; fi TEST-COMMAND执行后且它的返回状态是0,那么CONSEQUENT-COMMANDS就执行。返回状态是最后一个命令的退出状态,或者当没有条件是真的话为0。 TEST-COMMAND经常包括数字和字符串的比较测试,但是也可以是任何在成功时返回状态0或者失败时返回一些其他状态的一些命令。一元表达式...
I want to run multiple dd commands in background, but be able to see the status. I have the #!/usr/bin/env bashfordrivein$@doecho"Wiping$drive"ddif=/dev/zero of=$drivestatus=progress &donewaitecho"Done."
pods (might be too much detail if you have high replica counts, so done last, comment if you're sure nobody has deployed pods outside deployments) - runs kubectl commands safely fixed to a given context using config isolation to avoid concurrency race conditions kubectl_diff_apply...
Test cases consist of standard shell commands. Bats makes use of Bash'serrexit(set -e) option when running test cases. If every command in the test case exits with a0status code (success), the test passes. In this way, each line is an assertion of truth. ...
# if: if COMMANDS; then COMMANDS; [ elif COMMANDS; then COMMANDS; ]... [ else COMMANDS; ] fi # 如果是文件, if [ -f $1/$name ]; then #并且$2不存在该文件,则直接copy if [ ! -f $2/$name ]; then cp $1/$name $2/$name ...