19 - that will run for a while. But call up another power shell window and confirm you have wsl version 2 installed. I tried these two commands : “ "wsl --list --verbose" and "wsl -l -v" HERE is where I started getting “** -bash: wsl: command not found **” Hyper-V...
/mnt/c/Users/Reza/AppData/Local/Temp/RtmpmgDnss/chunk-code-41ac2fb52d.txt: line 1: conda: command not found I tried using engine options = --login and also tried source ~/.bashrc but the problem persists.I don't know if this is a bug or the feature is not supported yet. Or ...
我在Windows10和WSL(Windows Subsystem for Linux)上使用超级终端。我让wsl默认为zsh,但每当我运行npm或node时,我都会得到"zsh: command not found: node“或npm。要解决这个问题,我必须输入" bash“,让终端切换到bash,然后输入"zsh”切换回来。在此之后,node和npm命令将起作用。 浏览64提问于2018-1...
mobaxterm bash: xxx: command not found, mobaxterm安装好了之后在windows下执行相关命令出现之前的提示 原因:当前终端没有使用windows环境变量 解决:将windows环境变量使用交给他即可... 查看原文 MobaXterm 访问 Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) MobaXterm访问WindowsSubsystem for Linux (WSL)MobaXtermhttps://mo...
-bash: a: command not found 看来这样子行不通。Bash中声明一个变量需要用到Bash内置命令declare,演示如下 点击查看代码 [ken@Dell-Desktop ~]$declare b [ken@Dell-Desktop ~]$echo$b[ken@Dell-Desktop ~]$declare b2=3[ken@Dell-Desktop ~]$echo$b23 ...
最近在鼓捣wsl,感觉自己用还是蛮好用的。听说1903要更新新的cmd,还蛮期待的 解决步骤: 建议先下载个everything , windows下非常好用的文件查找软件。 启动后搜索.bashrc,找到路径后缀为你默认登录账号的对应的.bashrc文件 用编辑器打开后,如果要卸载zsh则搜索zsh,如果是Fish同理。找到这一段后注释掉,启动bash,若...
对文件进行递归查找; grep:在文件中查找字符串; getopt:解析命令选项; gzip:采用Lempel-Ziv编码的GNU项目压缩工具; head:显示指定文件内容的开头部分; help:显示bash 52910 Git bash常用命令 GIT使用的客户端有Git Bash:http://code.google.com/p/msysgit/ 还有乌龟TortoiseGit:http://code.google.com/p/tortoise...
Hi, running on a Debian inside WSL2, I ran into the following error upon installation: $ pyenv --help /usr/bin/env: ‘bash\r’: No such file or directory This happened both using the installer as well as, after starting over, the manual st...
(@webassemblyjs/helper-wasm-bytecode@1.9.0, @webassemblyjs/wast-parser@ 1.9.0) ├── ajv@6.12.4 (json-schema-traverse@0.4.1, fast-deep-equal@3.1.3, fast-json-stable-stringify@2.1.0, uri-js@4.4.0) ├── terser-webpack-plugin@1.4.5 (is-wsl@1.1.0, source-map@0.6.1, serialize...
然而,自从Windows 10引入了Linux子系统(Windows Subsystem for Linux,WSL)以及Bashshell之后,这一评价可能会有所变化。这两个功能的结合为用户提供了更加灵活和强大的开发环境,也为红帽(Red Hat)这样的Linux发布版带来了新的机会。 首先,让我们来了解一下Wind...