current size CHECK="`du -hs /media/662499e1-b699-19ad-57b3-acb127aa5a2b/Aufnahmen`" CHECK=${CHECK%G*} echo "Current Foldersize: $CHECK GB" if (( $(echo "$CHECK > $SIZE" |bc -l) )); then echo "Folder is bigger than $SIZE GB" else echo "Folder is smaller than $SIZE GB...
使用bash遍历命令获取目录中的文件数可以通过以下步骤实现: 1. 打开终端或命令行界面。 2. 使用cd命令切换到目标目录,例如:cd /path/to/directory。 3. 使用以下命令获...
(包含子文件夹内的文件) find ./ -size +50M 删除当前路径下,大于50M的文件。
Security Insights Additional navigation options Files master .github release utils .editorconfig .remarkrc LICENSE format.bash install.bash mangadl.bash merge.bash tools.bash Latest commit Akianonymus Fix manganato | A alias to manganelo |Fix#7 ...
array=([0]=valA [1]=valB [2]=valC)# 另一种方式array=(valA valB valC)# 另一种方式${array[i]}# 取得数组中的元素${#array[@]}# 取得数组的长度${#array[i]}# 取得数组中某个变量的长度declare-a# 查看所有数组declare-f# 查看所有函数declare-F# 查看所有函数,仅显示函数名declare-i# 查...
check if folder exist (-d) # method 1 if [ -d "$PROJECTNAME" ] then printf "\n Repo $PROJECTNAME folder already exist..\n" else printf "\n Repo $PROJECTNAME folder does not exist..\n" fi # method 2 [ -d $PROJECTNAME/.git ] && rm -rf $PROJECTNAME/.git; check if file ...
checkhash bash checks that a command found in the hash table exists before execute it. If no longer exists, a path search is performed. checkwinsize bash checks the window size after each command and, if necessary, updates the values of LINES and COLUMNS. cmdhist bash attempts to save...
在使用bash的过程中你遇到了或者发现了哪些好用的技巧让你提高了工作效率?不论是快捷键,小程序或者小脚本等。 关注者1,713 被浏览169,647 关注问题写回答 邀请回答 好问题 13 3 条评论 分享 52 个回答 按时间排序 知乎用户 让chatgpt给你写就好了 发布于 2024-12-01 11:25 ...
We will check if the directory exists and if not, then we will create a new one. if (dir.exists("my_new_folder")) { print("The direcoty exists") } else { # create the "my_new_folder dir.create("my_new_folder") } And the folder “my_new_folder” created under our...
00 ... Resolving Dependencies --> Running transaction check ---> Package dme.lib32_n9000 0: will be a downgrade ---> Package dme.lib32_n9000 0: will be erased --> Finished Dependency Resolution Depe...