BASH BUILTIN COMMANDS 内建命令 除非另外说明,这一章介绍的内建命令如果接受-引导的选项,那么它也接受--作为参数,来指示选项的结束 :[arguments] 没有效果;这个命令除了扩展arguments并且作任何指定的重定向之外,不做任何事。退出时返回0。 .filename[arguments] sourcefilename[arguments] 读取并在当前 shell 环境...
BASH BUILTIN COMMANDS 内建命令 除非另外说明,这一章介绍的内建命令如果接受-引导的选项,那么它也接受--作为参数,来指示选项的结束 :[arguments] 没有效果;这个命令除了扩展arguments并且作任何指定的重定向之外,不做任何事。退出时返回0。 .filename[arguments] sourcefilename[arguments] 读取并在当前 shell 环境...
BASH BUILTIN COMMANDS Unless otherwise noted, each builtin command documented in this section as accepting options preceded by - accepts -- to signify the end of the options. The :, true, false, and test builtins do not accept options and do not treat -- specially. The exit, logout, b...
Bash has several commands that comes with the shell (i.e built inside the bash shell). When you execute a built-in command, bash shell executes it immediately, without invoking any other program. Bash shell built-in commands are faster than external commands, because external commands usually ...
Bash - Builtin Commands builtin refers to: a builtin command. See or to the specific builtin command. See (useful when defining a function whose name is the same as a shell builtin) The builtin command execute the specified...
The builtin commands in Bash can be extremely useful, but what does "builtin" itself actually do? Today's SuperUser Q&A post has the answer to a curious reader's question.
Bash let builtin command help and information with let examples, syntax, related commands, and how to use the let command from the command line.
Of course, there are many more built-ins you can explore. Shell Built-in Commands List In Linux, there are shell built-in commands which you are already using but never paid attention to. Learn more about them in this tutorial. Linux HandbookSagar Sharma ...
But Bash also has some fine features of its own, including built-in commands and the ability to invoke external programs.One reason for Bash's success is its simplicity. Bash, like the rest of Linux, is based on the Unix design philosophy. As Peter Salus summarized in his book A Quarter...
Bash shift builtin command help and information with shift examples, syntax, related commands, and how to use the shift command from the command line.