NameError: name 'basestring' is not defined的解答 1. 错误原因 在Python 3中,basestring类型已经被移除。basestring在Python 2中是用来表示所有字符串类型的基类(包括str和unicode)。在Python 3中,所有的字符串都是str类型,并且str和bytes类型被明确区分开来,因此不再需要basestring这个基类。
Python3 异常: name 'basestring' is not defined 问题分析: python3 里已经没有basestring 类型,用str代替了basestring ; 解决方案: 将关键字“basestring”替换为“str”;
Python3 异常: name 'basestring' is not defined 问题分析: python3 里已经没有basestring 类型,用str代替了basestring ; 解决方案: 将关键字“basestring”替换为“str”;
NameError: name 'basestring' is not defined 在 PaddlePaddle,今天我在百度AIStudio的JupyterNotebook上运行一个线性回归的波士顿房价预测的代码时,训练代
一.Python basestring 函数介绍 二.Python basestring 函数使用 三.Python3 异常: name ‘basestring’ is not defined 四.猜你喜欢 零基础 Python 学习路线推荐 :Python 学习目录>>Python 基础入门 一.Python basestring 函数介绍 basestring 函数是 str 和 unicode 的父类,是抽象类,因此不能被调用和实例化,但可...
Lines of the form isinstance(init,basestring) raise a NameError in python 3 because there is no such type anymore. Here is a patch which makes the module work in python 3. I put it right after import types try: unicode = unicode except N...
NameError: name'basestring'isnotdefined I installed Selenium exactly the same way as before: sudo pip3 install -U Selenium The installation seems ok and does not report any error. Previously, I had installed pip3 with the apt command: ...
如果字符串前面没有字符修饰,默认就是常规字符串; 三.Python3 异常: name ‘basestring’ is not defined 看上面代码即可知道,这是python2.0的写法,因为内置函数basestring 属于python2.0版本,python3.0之后已经没有该内置函数,所以会报错,当作了解即可! 猜你喜欢:...
firefox_options.binary_location = self.binary if isinstance(self.binary, basestring) else self.binary._get_firefox_start_cmd() NameError: name 'basestring' is not defined 解决方法:将2.53.0版本的selenium卸载掉,安装2.53.1版本的selenium
firefox_options.binary_location = self.binary if isinstance(self.binary, basestring) else self.binary._get_firefox_start_cmd() NameError: name 'basestring' is not defined 解决方法:将2.53.0版本的selenium卸载掉,安装2.53.1版本的selenium