When playing the Sims 4, you can use the Basemental drugs mod to engage in gang activities and receive collection of functioning drugs.
Mods資料夾位於Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4 如果您在模组的使用上出现错误,可以尝试将...
鎮命创建的收藏夹默认收藏夹内容:【模拟人生4】最新汉化绝命毒师7.17.217适配1.108怦然心动DLC附安装教程含场地列表游戏mod娱乐模组Basemental Drugs,如果您对当前收藏夹内容感兴趣点击“收藏”可转入个人收藏夹方便浏览
TURBODRIVER, best known forWonderful Whimsand the NSFW counterpartWicked Whims, has created a unique mod that focuses on raising awareness about breast cancer inThe Sims 4. Unlike some of TURBODRIVER’s usual content, this mod is entirely SFW and brings attention to an important health issue throu...
因为我想要sims能喝醉的效果但basemental drugs功能对我来说太多了。网上找了半天没有找到这个同作者小模组的汉化,就自己动手做了一个繁中的翻译。 没有简中,没有optional mods的翻译,只包含本体。后续可能会把可选模组的翻译放进来,但我还没校对完_(:3 这个模组具体包含的内容请见原地址,写在帖子里会被审核 ...