Kauffman Firm Survey Baseline Survey: Annotated Questionnaire for Public Use File. Princeton, NJ: Mathematica Policy ResearchJanice BallouDavid Desroches
Although further study is needed, the ECS may be an even stronger predictor than FACT-E and is a focused, shorter questionnaire than the FACT-E and other esophageal-specific HRQOL instruments. Further studies are needed to assess whether the ECS can be used as a parsimonious prognostic tool ...
These data were collected using standard pretested questionnaire prepared in three local languages (Amharic, Afan Oromo and Tigrigna) by well experienced resident enumerators. This study was restricted to 1,796 pregnant women at the enrollment. Frequency was computed to describe the study participant...
Therefore it was pleasing that the majority had not had a test and that, although unanticipated, young people who had never had sex also chose to complete the baseline questionnaire. Knowledge about chlamydia was considerably higher for comparable questions than in the national survey of secondary ...
The HADS questionnaire has seven items each for depression and anxiety subscales. Scoring of each item ranges from zero to three, with three denoting highest anxiety or depression level. The Malay version of HADS showed a good sensitivity (90.0% for anxiety and 93.2% for depression) and ...
decade and determining the prevalence of the other refractive errors. Furthermore, the CAMS includes a questionnaire survey to examine the living environment, eating habits, reading time, outdoor time and digital screen time, and the posture of near work. In addition, whole-exome sequencing and ...
Each participant completed a self-administered questionnaire regarding health-related QOL, such as EuroQoL 5 dimensions (EQ-5D), Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS), and Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). Decreased HR-QOL was defined as an EQ-5D level <1. Abnormal sleepiness was defined as an...
Mood and Feelings Questionnaire WEMWBS: Warwick Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale CAMHS: Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services CBT: Cognitive behavioural therapy MHSTs: Mental Health Support Teams RA: Research Assistant IMD: Index of multiple deprivation PPI: Patient and public involvement...
, the older adults in this study were defined as individuals aged 65 years or older) [18, 19], (2) Mini Mental State Examination-Japanese (MMSE-J) [20, 21] score of 24 points or higher (maximum score: 30 points), (3) Ability to perform the test and tasks in the questionnaire. ...
During the investigation process, designated personnel were responsible for checking and double checking of the questionnaire. After the investigation was completed, each death record was reviewed by the Chinese CDC experts, followed by judgment and confirmation of the final cause of death. The ...