ANALYSIS-Deutsche Bank piles Basel pressure on rivals | Fox BusinessFox Business
Anticipation that Basel II will affect the competitive landscape within banking, increasing competition and producing changes to risk management, systems and culture; Trends identified in a survey concerning Basel II; Challenges and issues in implementation; Capital reductions; Training and education....
McClaren Believes FC Basel Will Feel the PressureRead the full-text online article and more details about "McClaren Believes FC Basel Will Feel the Pressure" - Daily Post (Liverpool, England), April 6, 2006Daily Post (Liverpool, England)...
The article reports on the intention of banking regulators meeting in Basel to reform capital and liquidity standards. The compromises by the regulators come despite the study by the Bank for International Settlements which indicated a decline in the macroeconomic impact of reforms. At the G20 ...
While this is troublesome for broker-dealer shareholders and bank managers, it is even more troubling for the SEC, FINRA, and the clients of broker-dealers, who will likely have to deal with increased instances of fraud as broker-dealers try intently to achieve pre-Basel III profitability....
The most recent round of international banking regulations promulgated by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, called Basel III, is an attempt to preventHoward, CorySocial Science Electronic Publishing
Pore pressure be- havior at the shut-in phase and causality of large induced seismicity at Basel, Switzer- land. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 121, 1-25.Mukuhira, Y., C. Dinske, H. Asanuma, T. Ito, and M. Haring (2017), Pore pressure behavior at the shut‐in ...
Relationship of Pore Pressure to Large Microseismic Events During Hydraulic Stimulation at Basel, Switzerland, in 2006MicroseismicitymagnitudeHDRHWRHFRstimulationBaselPrevious analyses of large-magnitude microseismic events during and after hydraulic stimulation of rock formations at Basel, Switzerland, in 2006...
High fluid pressure and triggered earth- quakes in the enhanced geothermal system in Basel, Switzerland. J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth 117 (B07305).Terakawa, T., Miller, S. A., & Deichmann, N.: High fluid pressure and triggered earthquakes in the enhanced geothermal system in Basel, ...