Weather 30 Days Forecast Satellite+Radar Map × BaselBasel-Stadt - Switzerland 2025-02-16 2025-02-16 06:260° Clear AQI 23 Today: It's Shower Rain during the day and Partly Cloudy at night, the temperature is about the same as yesterday. AQI is good. ...
The Weather Basel Basel-Town Switzerland current temperature: 32°C real feel: 33°C current pressure: 101 mb humidity: 31% wind speed: 2 mph NNW Windgusts: 2 mph sunrise: 7:01 sunset: 19:51 Forecast 11th September, 2023 day Hot ...
MultiModel Ensemble Seasonal Forecast Weather Warnings Outdoor & Sports Aviation Agriculture History & Climate Products Widgets NewsCollapse MultiModel Ensemble forecast for Basel Canton of Basel-City , Switzerland , 47.56°N 7.57°E, 279m asl 12 °C 19:30 Basel...
Be prepared with the most accurate 10-day forecast for Riehen Dorf, Basel-Stadt, Switzerland with highs, lows, chance of precipitation from The Weather Channel and
Ventusky: 天气预报地图 未找到。 Premium myVentusky 关于 Basel Switzerland / 纬度: 47°33'北 / 经度: 7°34'东 / 高度: 279 m时区: Europe/Zurich (UTC+1) / 当前时间: 17:37 2025-02-12 当前天气 预报 日月 10.3 °C 风 5 km/h 降水量 (1 小时) 0 mm 气压 1016 hPa 来自气象台的天气...
Today's and tonight's professional weather forecast for Basel. Precipitation radar, HD satellite images, and current weather warnings, hourly temperature, chance of rain, and sunshine hours.
Be prepared with the most accurate 10-day forecast for Arlesheim, Basel-Landschaft, Switzerland with highs, lows, chance of precipitation from The Weather Channel and
About Switzerland General facts Custom and tradition History of Switzerland The Swiss Art and Culture Scene Brochures Health Travel Sustainability Read all Subnavigation Section Close Navigation Planning Weather & Climate Forecast Climate in Switzerland Webcam Gallery Snow Report Wate...
About Switzerland General facts Custom and tradition History of Switzerland The Swiss Art and Culture Scene Brochures Health Travel Sustainability Read all Subnavigation Section Close Navigation Planning Weather & Climate Forecast Climate in Switzerland Webcam Gallery Snow Report Wate...
Students from The Basel School of Business recently embarked on an enlightening journey to Tropenhaus Frutigen, a sustainable farming and energy facility in Switzerland. The visit provided a firsthand glimpse into how modern technology and traditional farming practices can harmoniously coexist. The studen...