It contains a massive 10,000 quiz questions (and the answers!) and... RAS Preston,S Preston 被引量: 0发表: 0年 Incredible Sports Trivia: Fun Facts and Quizzes Incredible Sports Trivia Fun Facts and Quizzes addresses several sports and is filled with fun facts about the activities. For...
If Baseball Reference creates more questions, find the answers on Stathead. Sign Up - First Month Free MLB Scores (Wednesday, October 30) Game 5 Los Angeles Dodgers7Final New York Yankees6 WBlake Treinen (2-0) LTommy Kahnle (1-1) ...
Check out the Baseball Museum located inside Riverfront Stadium. The museum features trivia and historical artifacts showcasing Wichita’s baseball history, including Wichita’s all-black baseball team the Monrovians, the National Baseball Congress (NBC), along with preserved components of Lawrence-Dumon...
"Following the success of the original HQ Trivia, plus HQ UK, HQ Sports and HQ Germany, we feel ready to test out a game made specifically for Australia, including showtimes, the host, and the content of our questions." The Australian version of HQ will initially be pushed to a select...
Apple and MLB have always been pretty tight when it comes to product integration, and now it seems that Apple isturningSiri into some kind of baseball trivia guru. Full disclosure: I asked her/it a bunch of questions and she did not perform well. She didn’t even know the Astros record...
sports coverage so it is that question-along with deep comparisons, what ifs, and more-that we this site to answer. We hope that The Best Baseball Blog will become your place to look for the answers to those questions and that you will come an integral part of our close knit site ...
good because they were so disheartened over the steroids scandal. That’s why it’s so puzzling, and upsetting, to see some of baseball’s biggest villains featured among the true heroes of the Negro Leagues. This raises questions about howsports gamesshould deal with infamous and alleged ...
I don’t want them being some trivia answer from Elias. Its incomprehensible for me to consider that they’ve gone from best to worst in less than a full season. And make no mistake about it, this is the worst team in baseball. Three teams have worse records than they do. One of ...
We've decided to do our own Trivia Game right.QUESTIONS - are carefully researched so people really interested in the subjects will have fun knowing the answers.INPUT METHOD - We don't like multiple choice, but typing from scratch creates a lot of ambiguity and spelling problems. We strive ...
Return to FunTrivia "Ask FunTrivia" strives to offer the best answers possible to trivia questions. We ask our submitters to thoroughly research questions and provide sources where possible. Feel free to post corrections or additions. This is server B184....