Ward and Ken Burns: Baseball: An Illustrated History, Alfred A. Knopf, New York, NY, 1994. Related Sites[edit] Archive of Baseball Pictures from 1900 to 1940 Baseball in the United States of America Federation National Team Junior National Team Women's National Team National League· ...
and Ken Burns’ recentJackie Robinsondocumentary offers an in-depth exploration of Robinson in full dimension. As Rob Ruck points out, signing black players to Major League teams put black labor in an economic system that treated players as property, had no labor representation,...
There's an obvious Jesus and Mary Chain feel that some have called "Proclaimers with a delay pedal"; I'll be a bit kinder. There's echoes of anthemic early U2, influences of angst-driven early Clash, and then a whole section of Glaswegian narrative that you'll need a Wikipedia page a...