The -n flag is for reading the input line by line, whereas the -e flag is for executing the provided command enclosed in quotes for each line. Specifically, the command uses printf to print the result of the encode_base64() function, formatted as a string. The encode_base64() function...
I will introduce thebase64command-line utility that you can use to encode and decode data. Finally, I provide some practical examples of Base64 encoding that you will likely encounter as a sysadmin.
<-- /BYTE* / base64 command line help 1 base64 command line help base64 v1.0 - base64 encode/decode utility copyright (c) 2002-2015 syntax: base64 [options] [input file] input file required unless /data option is given [options] /dec - * decode data /enc - encode...
Base64_Encode_Table db 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=' .data? buff dd ? fIn dd ? fOut dd ? hStdOut dd ? pOutfileName dd ? t dd ? TextLen dd ? .code Start: invoke GetStdHandle, STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE mov hStdOut, eax ;获取命令行参...
Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide AWS Documentation Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide Focus mode Did this page help you? Yes No Provide feedback You can use the following Linux command-line command and OpenSSL to hash and sign the policy statement, base64-encode the signature, and replace character...
print(base64.b64encode(bs).decode()) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 运行结果如下: eW91 eW8= eQ== 1. 2. 3. 注意,b64处理后的字符串长度,一定是4的倍数,如果在网页上看到有些密文的b64长度不是4的倍数,会报错。 例如
bs ='y'.encode('utf-8')print(base64.b64encode(bs).decode()) 运行结果如下: eW91 eW8= eQ== 注意,b64处理后的字符串长度,一定是4的倍数,如果在网页上看到有些密文的b64长度不是4的倍数,会报错。 例如 importbase64 s ='eW91'ret = base64.b64decode(s)print(ret) ...
Install from command line: npm i --save nodejs-base64 Requirements Tested on Node 8-14. May not work on Node below 7.8. Readme Keywords base64 encoding decoding base64-encode base64-decode base-64-encode base-64-decode npm inodejs-base64 ...
其实很简单,base64 是系统自带的库。 base64.b64encode() 进行编码。 base64.b64decode() 进行...
. Encode your access token to Base64. + [TIP] === If you have the link:[base64] command-line tools installed in the operating system, you can use the command line: `$ echo -n '__<your_access_token_string>__' | base64` === . Go...