decode base64 or hex datawith sfk decode for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and Raspberry Pi. Download the free Swiss File Knife Base fromSourceforge. Open the WindowsCMDcommand line, Mac OS X Terminal or Linux shell. OS X : typemv sfk-mac-64.exe sfkandchmod +x sfkthen./sfk ...
mov al, byte ptr [eax + offset Base64_Decode_Table] cmp al, -1 jz @1 ;该字符非 Base64 编码字符,或该字符为 = shl ebx, 6 or bl, al pop eax shr eax, 8 dec edx loopd @B shl ebx, 8 xchg bl, bh rol ebx, 16 xchg bl, bh mov buff, ebx invoke Write...
Decode (for ASCII range string) Commandline Multiline input/output support Binary File support Usage example For convenience, the program has been developed for commandline usage. The program supports only 3 options to utilize, and you can check the detail at the following example image below. ...
base64 --decode /tmp/encoded.txt > /tmp/decoded.txt Using base64 to decode some text If you run base64 –decode without a file, you can type text (or copy and paste it), hit return/enter, and then control+d / ctrl+d and it will be decoded. So, for example, to decode VGhpcyB...
for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. sfk encode|decode [infile] format [options] en- or decode text or data. formats -base64 encode all chars as a-z A-Z 0-9 +/ with = used as padding character. add -nowrap to keep the output as one long line. -hex encode all chars as hexadecima...
Convert Base64 text to Binary File in Windows Platform Use the windows command line tool Base64.exe with the -d option to decode the base64 content back to binary content in Windows Platform. Base64.exe -d mybase64.txt>myaudio.wavCode language:Bash(bash) ...
[48, 49, 2, 1, 1, 4, 32, 115, 56]); let base64Str = base64.encodeToStringSync(arr); // Uint8Array转base64 console.log('encodeToStringSync',base64Str); // base64.decodeSync(''); // base64转Uint8Array // console.log('decodeSync',base64.decodeSync('')); }) } .width(...
如何进行base64编码 可使用util中的Base64Helper()方法进行base64编码,参考代码如下: import { util } from '@kit.ArkTS'; @E……欲了解更多信息欢迎访问华为HarmonyOS开发者官网
“Base64 Encode with Unix EOL”specifically uses an “End Of Line” (EOL) character used by Unix systems, rather than the default Windows EOL. This can be helpful if a Unix-based command-line decoder is failing to decode the data. ...
Windows Command - "certutil -encode/-decode"Linux Command - "base64"►macOS Command - "base64"Java Built-In Implementation of Base64Java Built-In Implementation of MIME Base64Python Built-In Implementation of Base64Python Built-In Implementation of MIME Base64...