The core problem of accounting measurement is measurement attributes and measurement units. 会计计量的核心是计量属性和计量单位。 更多例句>> 5) measurement unit 计量单位 1. Beijing 100036, China)Abstract: The paper has analyzed problems appearing in the use of measurement unit in agricultural sci...
... base surface finish 基底表面终饰 base unit of measurement 计量基本单位 base-altitude ratio 底高比 ...|基于21个网页 2. 基准计量单位 基准计量单位,base unit of... ... ) base unit of measurement 基准计量单位 ) base unit of measurement 计量基本单位 ... www.dictall....
将“base unit of measurement"翻译成西班牙文 unidad de base de medida是将“base unit of measurement"翻译成 西班牙文。 译文示例:"Hits" means the base unit of measurement that is sent to the Google Analytics service for processing, which may include but is not limited to a page view, a ...
6) base unit of measurement 基准计量单位补充资料:承包人要求发包人支付勘察、设计费的权利 承包人要求发包人支付勘察、设计费的权利:根据合同约定,发包人应向勘察人、设计人支付,勘察、设计费,发包人未按照合同约定的方式,标准和期限支付勘察设计费,应负担引起付款的违约责任。 说明:补充资料仅用于学习参考,...
建筑英语词汇:base unit(of measurement) 基本(丈量)单位 来自十环网资料库-建筑材料英文词汇与建筑材料英文单词,建筑工程英语词汇 栏目中的 base unit(of measurement) 基本(丈量)单位 英文单词; 您可以重这里查询到5万多个建筑建材英文单词以及电工电器英文单词、当然还有机械设备行业英文单词。
Base unit of can't be changed once you have created the material and there are stocks. Any successful changes in material master only took place when there is no open document from SD, PP, MM & FI for that material. Base unit of measurement cannot be changed. The reason being mat...
A unit of measurement is a quantifiable language that describes the magnitude of the physical quantity. The SI units define standard units for the measurement of all physical quantities.
Other objects and advantages of a time base of a unit of measurement of the tire pressureThe present invention aims to control the drifts of the low frequency circuit lfo (24) in a unit wheel (10) of a system for controlling the pressure of the tires of a vehicle, without any increase...
Name of the unit system, specified as a string or character vector.Version History Introduced in R2017b See Also derivedUnits | newUnitSystem | removeUnitSystem | rewrite | symunit Topics Units of Measurement Tutorial Unit Conversions and Unit Systems Units and Unit Systems List External Websites...
What is a Derived Unit? Lesson Summary Frequently Asked Questions What are base and derived units? Base units and derived units are both part of the SI measurement system. There are seven base units, ampere, candela, Kelvin, kilogram, meter, mole and second. These are the basic units of...