1 RoleUnsorted FromThe King of Fighters Media Typevideo game Voiced By Tagsbelt,gloves,whip,military uniform,coat Personality Favorite foodHoney BirthdayOctober 12 SignLibra ♎ Menu Day 4Character of the Daynominations Week 2Character of the Weeknominations ...
Slade and his erstwhile cohort Wintergreen traveled to the home of longtime associate David Isherwood, where they obtained an experimental Promethium suit, developed by Isherwood as part of a joint US/Canadian military venture using materials developed by S.T.A.R. Labs. Though unhappy of the ...
calculator 3 calf 2 calves 1 Cambridgeshire 2 camera 19 camera store 2 cameras 4 campers 1 camping 10 camping ground 2 Canada 2 canal 1 canals 3 cancer 1 candle 2 candy 31 cane 3 cane baskets 1 canine 36 canis 3 Canis lupus 1 cans 3 canvas 1 cap ...
high resolution of ex- see red and outside system and zoom lens of a slightest unattractive field battle for use by the military of the looking at of optical movie camera positive ghost eye kind large conductor car flank that those antennae stand up like a forest tent.Probe the picture info...
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CEFR共15696个条目,一个基词下不同词性不同义项相关短语和短语动词都属于一个条目,先去除短语和短语动词条目,再去除不同词性不同义项但相同单词的重复条目,仅仅剩余6655个基词,CEFR的最高水平C2单词数量也就6655个。 a a.m. abandon abandoned ability ...
statements, including but not limited to the following: the difficulties in forecasting future sales caused by current economic and market conditions, the effect of military actions on government and corporate spending on information security products, spending patterns of, and appropriations to, U.S....
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Robin, working with a team of military superheroes who wanted to recruit him, commanded by a vigilante called the Veteran, defended the city of Blüdhaven against an army of OMACs who had captured dozens of metahumans for immediate extermination. With Blüdhaven safe, Tim worked with the Teen...
NamePoliceman Other Names警官, Terry Wealth RoleUnsorted FromMashle: Magic and Muscles Media Typeanime Voiced ByKazuki Yoshida, 吉田和生, よしだ かずき Tagscap,suit,tie,military uniform Personality Menu Day 0Character of the Daynominations