The URL (Domain Name) is crucial for developing e-commerce for businesses or personal brands. It serves as a clear identifier, significantly increasing online visibility and being an indispensable digital asset. URLs are like virtual land, while websites are like virtual homes. A good home must...
and there is no choice but to pay. So no matter how good you feel your current contract may be, there’s a better one out there, and a sim free phone enables you to slip in a local sim card for every destination you visit. That’s the way to beat the system. Just let a few ...
{integrity: sha512-iLTJKDbJ4hMvFPgQwwsVoxtHyWpKKPBrxkANrSYewDPaPpT5py5yeVkgPIJ7XYXhndxJpaA3PyALSXQ7u8e/Dw==} + engines: {node: '>=6.0.0'} + hasBin: true + + '@babel/plugin-proposal-decorators@7.24.7': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-RL9GR0pUG5Kc8BUWLNDm2T5OpYwSX15r98I...
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A realistic fish-habitat dataset to evaluate algorithms for underwater visual analysis ArticleOpen access04 September 2020 Introduction Monitoring a space as vast as the ocean1that is filled with life that we have yet to describe2, using traditional, resource-intensive (e.g., time, person-hours...
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E. A. DeputatovaD. M. KalikhmanA. V. PolushkinYu. V. SadomtsevJournal of Computer and Systems Sciences InternationalDigital stabilization of motion of precision controlledbase platforms with inertial sensitive elements.II.Application of float angular velocity sensor and pendulumaccelerometers. ...
}catch(IOException e) {//;e.printStackTrace(); }returnobjectString; }/** *将bease64的String解编码为对象; * *@paramobjectString * 可以解编码为Object的Base64String,如果不能解编码为Object抛出异常. *@return解编码成功后的对象. ...
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