The meaning of BASE PAIR is one of the pairs of nucleotide bases on complementary strands of nucleic acid that consist of a purine on one strand joined to a pyrimidine on the other strand by hydrogen bonds holding together the two strands much like the r
This lesson will explain nitrogenous bases, types of bases, and complementary base pairs in both DNA and RNA. It will also cover the rules of base...
Related to base pairing:complementary base pairing n (Biochemistry)biochemthe hydrogen bonding that occurs between complementary nitrogenous bases in the two polynucleotide chains of a DNA molecule Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, ...
All of these regions contain genetic stutters called short tandem repeats, in which a pattern of base pairs repeats itself over and over.───所有位点都包含称为短串联重复序列的遗传结点,在结点里一个碱基对模式一遍遍重复出现。 In this case, instead, antisense RNA sets up base pairs far away ...
The meaning of BASE PAIR is one of the pairs of nucleotide bases on complementary strands of nucleic acid that consist of a purine on one strand joined to a pyrimidine on the other strand by hydrogen bonds holding together the two strands much like the r
Learn about DNA base pairs. Discover the 4 bases of DNA and how they pair up, how many hydrogen bonds connect the two bases, and how RNA base...
Base pairing in DNA is complementary.The purines (A and G) pair with the pyrimidines (T and C, respectively) to form equal-sized base pairs resembling rungs on a ladder (the sugar-phosphate backbones). The ladder twists into a double-helical structure.Scitable...
Explain the role of complementary base pairing in the precise replication process of DNA In this outcome, we’ll learn more about the precise structure of DNA and how it replicates. What You’ll Learn to Do Understand the historical basis of our understanding of DNA ...
nounone of the pairs of chemical bases joined by hydrogen bonds that connect the complementary strands of a DNA molecule or of an RNA molecule that has two strands Related Words deoxyribonucleic acid desoxyribonucleic acid DNA nucleotide base Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. ©...
Complementary Base Pairing | Definition, Rules & Examples from Chapter 9/ Lesson 3 321K This lesson will explain nitrogenous bases, types of bases, and complementary base pairs in both DNA and RNA. It will also cover the rules of base pairing and provide examples. ...