Base flood elevation (BFE) and design flood elevation (DFE) are essential references for building floodproofing. Previous BFE and DFE mapping methods were mainly applied to inland rivers and coastal areas, and few studies mentioned the mapping method of densely populated cities. This study proposes...
while the impact of subsurface fluxes on hydrological extremes is often assumed to be minimal. Increased baseflow values, when compared to quick flow in streams reveal the significant contribution of groundwater to river flow and flood7. While often ignored, the significance of antecedent conditions ...
redirecting flights and helicopters for flood related activities. Upendra was genuinely concerned about us starting the trek as planned and he was so empathetic when speaking with us, understanding our anxieties and concerns. Upendra didn't let up until he made su...
Iowa Flood Information System (IFIS; Demir and Krajewski, 2013) eHabitat 2.0 (Dubois et al., 2013) Emissions Inventory (Gkatzoflias et al., 2013) Web Application for Water Resources (Blagoj Delipetrev et al., 2014) 2.1.1 PostGIS PostGIS is a spatial database extension for the PostgreS...
Extreme years prior to the calibration period match historical records of flood and drought. Among these years is 1839, the lowest year of reconstructed DJF flow, for which eastern United States drought conditions have been described during the infamous “Trail of Tears” (Perdue & Green, 2007)...
To allow the comparison between the baseflow and recharge, the volumetric baseflow needs to be divided by the area to get an areal average baseflow. The area of a surface-water catchment is readily calculated from a digital elevation model (DEM), but in a landscape as flat as the study ...
usually intermediate, in the insect communities that they could support, between lawns and natural habitats. In other cases, constructed infrastructures for flood/stormwater management were found to support similar amounts of biodiversity as nearby semi-natural habitat (Hassall and Anderson2015; Holtmann...
3DCityDB can also adjust the base heights of individual 3D objects during export in order to align them with a digital elevation model (DEM). This works automatically with the DEM used in Google Earth. Users can choose which LOD should be exported and which appearance should be used. For ...
Figure 1.(a) The digital elevation map of Wei River Basin, which can be divided into the Mainstream, Jing River, and Beiluo River Basins. (b) Overview map of Mainstream of the Wei River in Shaanxi Province (MSX); Linjiacun is the hydrological control station at upstream, Xianyang is the...