Sensitivity of Physical Database Design to Changes in Underlying Factors - Palvia - 1988 () Citation Context ...the rationale for turning to denormalization. These criteria are focused on reducing database access costs, and are affected by database activity, computer system characteristics and ...
Trans-species synthetic gene design allows resistance pyramiding and broad-spectrum engineering of virus resistance in plants Plant Biotechnol J (2018), 10.1111/pbi.12896 Google Scholar [146] S. Ruffel, J.L. Gallois, B. Moury, C. Robaglia, A. Palloix, C. Caranta Simultaneous mutations in ...
et al. The genotoxic potential of retroviral vectors is strongly modulated by vector design and integration site selection in a mouse model of HSC gene therapy. J. Clin. Invest. 119, 964–975 (2009). Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Zychlinski, D. et al. Physiological ...
1a). Although Cre recombinase and Cas9-based genome-editing proteins possess distinct physicochemical properties, such as size and charge, we hypothesized that insights from the study of intracellular delivery of Cre recombinase would inform the design of delivery vehicles for ABE8e and PE2. Fig. ...
Testing the SAP ILM Functionality with IQ SAP ILM – Next Steps … Manage information through its lifecycle while balancing cost, risk, and compliance. Streamline your IT infrastructure and protect the privacy rights of your consumer data with the SAPInformation Lifecycle Management(SAPILM) component...
This is a comprehensive list of papers on database theory for understanding and building database systems. It covers various aspects of database systems, including the essential theoretical background, classic system design, and multiple modules within the database.The...
J. et al. Design of a split intein with exceptional protein splicing activity. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 138, 2162–2165 (2016). Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Carvajal-Vallejos, P., Pallisse, R., Mootz, H. D. & Schmidt, S. R. Unprecedented rates and efficiencies ...
The volume is organized in topical sections on data mining, active databases, design tools, advanced DBMS, optimization, warehousing, system issues, temporal databases, the web and hypermedia, performance, workflow management, database design, and parallel databases. ...
A Base Item is an item dropped randomly by any enemies or bosses defeated by the player in any instance or in the open world once they reach level 12. Those items were introduced with the episode Home Turf and are used to decorate the player's base. Base items usually have no ...
(PalMod17). For these, we focused on the subset of proxy types that record (near) sea-surface temperature. In addition to culling data from previous paleoclimate data compilations, we searched the literature and public data repositories (PANGAEA and World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, NOAA)...