Jos tietoja synkronoidaan samanaikaisesti useassa eri kohdetietokantoihin, profiileja voidaan luoda ja aktivoida useita.Vientiprofiili on tietojen vientipalvelun keskeinen käsite. Vientiprofiili kerää asennus- ja määritystiedot yhteen tietojen kohdetietokantaan synkronointia varten...
substrate • The that decrease in the MTIO the double-layer particles adhere ctoaptahceitsaunrcfeac(C e dol f) athned stpheeciinmcreena,sfeoirnmcihnagrgaep-trroatnescfteirverelsaiystearntchea(t Rhcitn ) dinedrsictahtee Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:8979 |
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32. Ahmad, F. et al. Stability risk assessment of slopes using logistic model tree based on updated case histories, 20, 12, pp. 21229– 21245, (2023). 33. Ahmad, M. et al. Unconfined compressive strength prediction of stabilized expansive clay soil using machine learning techniques, pp. ...
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Therefore, the S-parameters of the de10v-10ice were also measured to extract442800t00hss e key parameter resistance of the device and establ10i-s11h the numerical device model to5400fsurther analyze the degradation mechanism, which w0.2ill b0e.3 see0n.4 in t0.h5VeBE(sVu0).6bseq0.7ue...