Similar to previous results from mammals, genes belonging to families with only one member ("singletons") were significantly more likely to lack alternative splicing than were members of large multi-gene families. Genes belonging to multi-gene families lacking alternative splicing tended to have ...
Question: What are basal angiosperms and why can't they be classified as either monocots or eudicots? Basal Angiosperms The basal angiosperms, magnoliids and their relatives, were once classified as dicots, due to the presence of two seed leaves and apparent similaritie...
In mammals, the Polo-like kinase 4 or SAK (Snk/Plk-akin kinase) regulates centrosome duplication (Habedanck et al., 2005). Trypanosomes express a single PLK homolog, TbPLK, which is initially enriched at the basal body and, surprisingly, is required for basal body segregation but not ...
The non-mammalian therapsids comprise a paraphyletic assemblage of Permian-Jurassic synapsids closely related to mammals that includes six major clades of largely unresolved phylogenetic affinity. Understanding the early evolutionary radiation of therapsids is complicated by a gap in the fossil record ...
The skeletal remains of a small bear (Protarctos abstrusus) were collected at the Beaver Pond fossil site in the High Arctic (Ellesmere I., Nunavut). This mid-Pliocene deposit has also yielded 12 other mammals and the remains of a boreal-forest
et al. Proteomic analysis of multiple primary cilia reveals a novel mode of ciliary development in mammals. Biol. Open 1, 815–825 (2012). 7. Pazour, G. J., Agrin, N., Leszyk, J. & Witman, G. B. Proteomic analysis of a eukaryotic cilium. J. Cell Biol. 170, 103–113 (2005)...
In mammals, two major PLD genes have been identified, PLD1 and PLD2, both of which are expressed in many cell types (Meier et al, 1999). Of the PLD isoforms, the regulation mechanisms of PLD1 have been studied most extensively, and several activators of PLD1, including protein kinase C...
In mammals, the gene structure of the SYN locus is highly conserved because the nested TIMPs are found at the same locations. To gain a more complete understanding of synapsin biology, we examined the evolutionary history of synapsin genes through genomic analysis of SYN locus of some protos...
Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, corporate member of Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, and Berlin Institute of Health (BIH), Institute of Medical Psychology, Berlin, Germany Sonja Entringer University of California Irvine, Irvine, CA, USA ...
For example, tarsier eyes comprise a mass that is nearly twice the mass of their brain17, and the morphology of the skull reflects the modifications necessary to support a pair of hypertrophic eyes. In contrast to most nocturnal mammals, tarsiers lack a tapetum lucidum, and in contrast to ...