Basal ganglia volume is associated with aerobic fitness in preadolescent chil- dren. Developmental Neuroscience, 32(3), 249-256. doi:10.1159/000316648.Chaddock L, Erickson KI, Prakash RS, VanPatter M, Voss MW, Pontifex MB, Raine LB, Hillman CH, and Kramer AF. (2010). Basal Ganglia ...
The present investigation is the first to explore the association between childhood aerobic fitness and basal ganglia structure and function. Rodent research has revealed that exercise influences the striatum by increasing dopamine signaling and angiogenesis. In children, higher aerobic fitness levels are ...
The role of cholinergic systems in basal ganglia function is also under-researched. The presence of cholinergicinterneuronsin the striatum has been known for many years, and there is clearly a functional interaction between these cells and the dopaminergic input to the striatum as well as with GABA...
basal ganglia Thesaurus Medical Acronyms Encyclopedia Wikipedia Related to basal ganglia:limbic system,thalamus basal ganglia pl n (Anatomy) the thalamus together with other closely related masses of grey matter, situated near the base of the brain ...
Basal ganglia calcification (BGC) is associated with psychotic symptoms in young and middle-aged patient samples. We studied the cross-sectional relationship between psychotic symptoms and BGC in a population sample of non-demented 85-year-olds, of whom 86 were mentally healthy, 11 had hallucination...
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch tonew thesaurus Noun1. aluminum- a silvery ductile metallic element found primarily in bauxite Al,aluminium,atomic number 13 aluminium foil,aluminum foil,tin foil- foil made of aluminum metal,metallic element- any of several chemical elements that are...
It is a small group of scattered cells that have similar functions to the pars compacta and may really be considered as an extension of this part. The pars compacta serve mainly as an output to the basal ganglia circuit, supplying the striatum with dopamine, through specific D1 and D2 ...
Basal Ganglia. Figure 1 Basal ganglia circuitry. Diagram illustrates only major direct and indirect circuits. Significant cortical input is active at every level (not shown) Editor information Editors and Affiliations Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, and Professor of Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry Virgin...
The basal ganglia are a set of subcortical structures that interact with the cerebral cortex to regulate motor, cognitive and affective function through reinforcement learning and action selection. Its input structure, the striatum, receives a dense dopaminergic input that is critical for reinforcement ...
It comprises a basal ganglia component and an olfactory (paleocortical) component. With respect to the reduced state of the dolphin olfactory system as a whole, it is surprising how large the amygdala is in these animals. Its remarkable size in delphinids has been related to the considerable ...