基底细胞癌(basal cell carcinoma)又称基底细胞上皮瘤,是由多潜能基底样细胞异常增生而成,可向表皮或附属器分化。 诊断要点: 1.特征性皮损为具有珍珠样隆起性边缘的圆形斑块,表面常有毛细血管扩张,根据临床特点分成结节溃疡型、色素型、硬斑病样型或纤维化型及浅表型等四型,以结节溃疡型最多见,如图1, 5, 7,...
结节溃疡性BCC(Nodulo-ulcerative basal cell carcinoma) 1 (1)结节型(nodular type) 损害为突出皮肤、自针头大小至绿豆大小,初起为小的蜡样结节,缓慢增大,非炎症性浅黄褐或淡灰白色、蜡样或半透明(如珍珠样)的结节,质硬,表面皮纹消失,表皮菲薄伴...
基底细胞癌(Basal Cell Carcinoma,简称BCC)是一种最常见的皮肤癌类型,多发生在头部、面部等日晒较多的部位。这种癌症起源于皮肤基底层的色素细胞,其生长速度相对较慢,但若不及时治疗,可能会侵犯周围组织,甚至引发更严重的皮肤癌,如黑色素瘤。近年来,随着环境污染和紫外线辐射的增加,基底细胞癌的发病率呈上升趋势。为...
Define basal cell carcinoma. basal cell carcinoma synonyms, basal cell carcinoma pronunciation, basal cell carcinoma translation, English dictionary definition of basal cell carcinoma. n. A slow-growing, locally invasive, but rarely metastasizing neoplas
Basal cell carcinomas (BCCs) are the commonest of the non-melanoma skin cancers and are the most common human cancers. Their rising incidence and associated morbidity has generated phenomenal interest in unravelling their pathogenesis, which has also led to a keen interest in the search for ...
Basal cell carcinoma comes in many forms. The most common is the nodular ulcer type, the skin lesions are initially gray or waxy small nodules, hard in texture, slowly increasing, the central ulcer can appear, the edge of the ulcer is pearl-like uplift, known as erosion ulcer. This type...
Nodular: dome-shaped, painless lesion that may become multilobular and frequently ulcerates (rodent ulcer); prominent telangiectatic vessels are noted on the surface; border is translucent, elevated, pearly white (Fig. 1-7); somenodular basal cell carcinomasmay containpigmentation, giving an ap...
Basal Cell Carcinoma Home CareNotes Basal Cell Carcinoma Basal Cell Carcinoma Medically reviewedby Drugs.com. Last updated on Nov 3, 2024. What is basal cell carcinoma (BCC)? BCC is a common skin cancer that begins in the top layer of the skin. BCC grows slowly and rarely spreads....