Basal Cell Carcinoma(BCC),即基底细胞癌,是一种起源于基底样细胞的恶性肿瘤,是我国最常见的皮肤恶性肿瘤之一。接下来,我将从多个方面对基底细胞癌进行详细阐述。 一、发病情况与生长特性 基底细胞癌在我国皮肤恶性肿瘤中占比较高,达到了29.3%~47.5%。其生长缓慢,较少发生转移,但...
BCC(basal cell carcinoma,基底细胞癌) 又称基底细胞上皮瘤(basal cell epithelioma) 、基底样细胞瘤、侵蚀性溃疡等,是源于表皮基底细胞或毛囊外根鞘的上皮性低度恶性肿瘤。BCC是我国特别是日照较长的地区最常见的皮肤癌,它起源于基底细胞或毛囊外根鞘...
Basal cell carcinoma is a skin tumor that occurs in the basal layer cells of the epidermis or hair follicle, and is the most common skin malignancy, with a relatively high incidence in the elderly. But fortunately it is less malignant, usually slow growth, although with local destruction, but...
basal [英][ˈbeɪsl][美][ˈbesəl, -zəl]adj.基底的,在底部的,基础的;cell carcinoma 细胞癌 双语例句 1 Quantitative study of PTEN mRNA expression in oral squamous cellcarcinoma and paired normal tissue 口腔鳞状细胞癌及癌旁组织中抑癌基因PTEN mRNA表达...
Inflammatory cells, hair follicles, and folliculocentric basaloid proliferations are benign conditions that can resemble BCC when using horizontal frozen sections. Malignant processes such as metastatic breast cancer, ameloblastoma, cloacogenic carcinoma, eccrine spiradenoma, pilomatricomas, and tricho...
基底细胞癌(basal cell carcinoma,BCC) 是皮肤癌最常见类型之一,又称基底细胞上皮瘤(basal cell epithelioma) 、基底样细胞瘤、侵蚀性溃疡等,是源于表皮基底细胞或毛囊外根鞘的上皮性低度恶性肿瘤。本病由Jacob 于1827年首先描述,但到1902年才由Krompecher将其与其他上皮性肿瘤明确区分。其特点是发展缓慢,呈浸润...
& Erb, P. Gli2 upregulates cFlip and renders basal cell carcinoma cells resistant to death ligand-mediated apoptosis. Oncogene 27, 3856–3864 (2008). Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Li, C. et al. IFNα induces Fas expression and apoptosis in hedgehog pathway activated BCC cells through ...
basal cell carcinoma 英[ˈbeisəl sel ˌkɑ:siˈnəumə] 美[ˈbesəl sɛl ˌkɑrsəˈnomə] 释义 基底细胞癌,基底细胞上皮瘤 实用场景例句 全部 Objective: To i nv estigate the expression of desmoglein 1 + 2 inbasal cell carcinoma( BCC ) ....
carcinoma n. 癌 cell n.[C] 1.小房间(如修道院里的密室或狱中的牢房) 2.(蜂房的)巢室 3.电池 4.细胞 5.(尤指革命的)政治活动小组 β cell 乙细胞 γ cell 丙细胞 duct carcinoma 【医】 管癌 C cell 丙细胞 cell nest 细胞巢 cleavage cell 卵裂细胞 cyclo cell 旋流浮选机 最新...