BCC(basal cell carcinoma,基底细胞癌) 又称基底细胞上皮瘤(basal cell epithelioma) 、基底样细胞瘤、侵蚀性溃疡等,是源于表皮基底细胞或毛囊外根鞘的上皮性低度恶性肿瘤。BCC是我国特别是日照较长的地区最常见的皮肤癌,它起源于基底细胞或毛囊外根鞘...
基底细胞癌(Basal Cell Carcinoma,简称BCC)是一种最常见的皮肤癌类型,多发生在头部、面部等日晒较多的部位。这种癌症起源于皮肤基底层的色素细胞,其生长速度相对较慢,但若不及时治疗,可能会侵犯周围组织,甚至引发更严重的皮肤癌,如黑色素瘤。近年来,随着环境污染和紫外线辐射的增加,基底细胞癌的发病率呈上升趋势。为...
基底细胞癌(basal cell carcinoma,BCC) 是皮肤癌最常见类型之一,又称基底细胞上皮瘤(basal cell epithelioma) 、基底样细胞瘤、侵蚀性溃疡等,是源于表皮基底细胞或毛囊外根鞘的上皮性低度恶性肿瘤。本病由Jacob 于1827年首先描述,但到1902年才由Krompecher将其与其他上皮性肿瘤明确区分。其特点是发展缓慢,呈浸润...
Introduction:Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the most common form of skin cancer, predominantly affecting the head and neck, and can be diagnosed clinically in most cases. Metastasis of BCC is rare, but localised tissue invasion and destruction can lead to morbidity. Incidence of BCC increases ...
Basal cell carcinoma (简称 BCC) 是基底细胞癌,是皮肤癌最常见类型之一,又称基底细胞上皮瘤(basal cell epithelioma) ,基底样细胞瘤侵蚀性溃疡等,是源于表皮基底细胞或毛囊外根鞘的上皮性低度恶性肿瘤。详细解释请点击 http://baike.baidu.com/view/131424.htm ...
Basal cell carcinoma is a skin tumor that occurs in the basal layer cells of the epidermis or hair follicle, and is the most common skin malignancy, with a relatively high incidence in the elderly. But fortunately it is less malignant, usually slow growth, although with local destruction, but...
1. 基细胞癌 基细胞癌(Basal Cell Carcinomas)初期时是一个有光泽的肿块﹐慢慢的越长越大。这是一种最常见的皮肤癌。 www.epochtimes.com|基于 1 个网页 2. 胞癌 ...症(Actinic keratoses)、基底细胞癌(Basal cell carcinomas)、脂漏性角化症(Seborrheic keratoses)、郁积 性溃疡(St… ...