Experimental results on strange anti-baryon production in nuclear S→W collisions at 200 A GeV are described in terms of a simple model of an explosively disintegrating quark-lepton plasma (QGP). The importance of the strange anti-baryon signal for the identification of the QGP state and for...
in which the mass difference between s quark and light (u,?d) quark are considered. A comparison with the case of no mass difference between s and u,?d quark is made. It is shown that the mass difference effect is not negligible in the interaction energy matrix elements.关键词:...
Evolution of baryon number density during the cosmic quark-hadron phase transition Recent calculations using a chromoelectric flux tube model have shown that the phase boundary between the quark-gluon plasma and the hadron gas may have a ... K Sumiyoshi,T Kajino,CR Alcock,... - 《Physical Rev...
Thus, a baryon consists of three (“valence”) quarks, together with some number of quark-antiquark (qq) pairs (called the quark-antiquark sea) and of gluons. The quarks must be assigned fractional charge values, relative to the proton charge (Table 2). See Gluons, Hadron, Quarks...
Here u, d and s denote up, down and strange quark, respectively. For describing the internal orbital motion of the singly heavy baryon, we select the specific Jacobi coordinates (named JC-3 for short) as shown in Fig. 1, which is consistent with the above reservation about the flavor wav...
is an American physicist born in 1932, who is Professor of physics at the University of Maryland at College Park) introduced a three-valued charge degree of freedom to quarks (Greenberg, 1964), which means that this new charge quantum number would be different for each of the three quarks....
These states can not be well put into the con- ventional quark model with a charmed and an antistrange quark. Since these charmed–strange states are very close to 123 436 Page 2 of 14 Eur. Phys. J. C (2023) 83:436 the threshold of a charmed meson and a strange meson, some ...
A shell-model description for a three-quark bound state is used with harmonic-oscillator quark-quark interactions. The baryon spectrum is associated with the energy levels of such a system which is taken to exhibit a broken SU(6) σ O(3) symmetry. In an earlier paper, baryon states were ...
Based on the Godfrey-Isgur (GI) quark model, we investigate the mass spectra of strange single heavy baryons systematically. In the calculation of the Hamiltonian matrix elements, the Innites-imally shifted Gaussian(ISG) basis functions are employed. Our results show that the λ -modes appear ...
More experimental research for these charmed-strange dibaryons are suggested. 1 Introduction In the last two decades, a growing number of exotic particles have been discovered in experiment. It is hard to put these exotic particles into the conventional quark model and their inner structures are ...