Tafida Raqeeb v. Barts NHS Foundation Trust and Others [2019] : bolstering the argument for mediationdoi:10.1177/0968533220902258David I. BenbowSAGE Publications
NHS Barts Health NHS Trust. Barts900 Campaign. 2022. Available athttps://www.bartshealth.nhs.uk/barts900(accessed November 2022). Richards N D. Dentistry in England in the 1840s: the first indications of a movement towards professionalization.Med Hist1968;12:137-152. Gelbier S. Dentistry an...
ItisoperatedbyBartsandTheLondonNHSTrust,which alsorunstheRoyalLondonHospitalandtheLondonChest Hospital. Earlyhistory Bartswasfoundedin1123byRahere(died1144,andentombedinthenearbypriory churchofStBartholomew-the-Great),afavouritecourtierofKingHenryI.TheDissolution ...
Barts is the oldest hospital in London, having been founded in 1123, and the oldest in the United Kingdom that still occupies its original site. London's only statue of Henry VIII is located above a gate at the hospital.It is operated by Barts and The London NHS Trust, which also runs...
In Raqeeb v Barts NHS Foundation Trust, the latest of a number of cases concerning whether a child can travel abroad for treatment that doctors in the UK do not consider to be in their best interests, the High Court held that the hospital had acted unlawfully by failing to consider the ...