139 in arkansas middle schools overall score 57.8/100 quick stats type public grades 7-8 total enrollment 616 overview students/teachers test scores school data district map overview students/teachers test scores school data district map overview of barton jr. high school barton jr. high school is...
The Benton School District in Arkansas implemented an early intervention, Response To Intervention (RTI) program in all four of their elementary schools. They screened their kindergarten and first grade students using Dibels to identify students at risk of reading failure — and used Dibels to monito...
CoxHealth is a leading healthcare system serving 25 counties across southwest Missouri and northern Arkansas. The organization includes six hospitals, 5 ERs, and over 80 clinics. CoxHealth has earned the following honors for workplace excellence: Named on of Modern Healthcare’s Best Places to wo...
美国的邮编系统,也被称为邮政区编号(Zone Improvement Plan,简称ZIP),官方机构为USPS(美国邮政署),类似我们的中国邮政。美国邮编可以分为4大类STANDARD(普通邮编),MILITARY(军队邮编),PO BOX(Post Office BOX 邮局邮编),UNIQUE(大客户邮编,学校,机构等)。美国邮编主要由5位数字组成,代表不同的地理区域。这些数字的...