Bartender The Right Mix is a Flash game that, thanks to Ruffle, can now be played without the discontinued plugin. Tip Don't shake your drink too long, or you might inadvertently explode. Every move counts when you're a bartender so make them smooth and deliberate. ...
得分更高,你会获得更多的葡萄酒,就能达到更高的分数! 应用信息 厂商: 官网:暂无 包名 MD5值:5ab047bacfbf1012505d3306d8abf893 权限管理须知点击查看 玩家留言 吊德斯解说游戏
【游戏特色】 1.趣味的动画效果,真实的音效,逼真的环境模拟。 2.操作简单容易上手 3.动画有趣,娱乐性强 应用信息 厂商: 官网:暂无 包名 MD5值:5ab047bacfbf1012505d3306d8abf893 备案号: ...
否 报告 Bartender: The Right Mix通关视频 卡住了?来看看如何通关游戏吧。 排名榜 网站支持提供方Y8 Account 显示更多 游戏详情 欢迎参加转为鸡尾酒鉴赏专家们准备的调酒游戏!倒入,摇匀,上桌!您将掌控我们的酒保Miguel,不过要小心他本身的调酒技术可不怎么样!
疯狂的调酒师游戏是一款很好玩的休闲娱乐游戏,作为一名职业的调酒师,无论客人提出什么样的酒,应该都能调出来,超多配料,帮你调配出世界上最好和的酒。 游戏介绍 疯狂的调酒师是一款益智类的趣味小游戏,游戏画面生动,视觉表现力强,调酒师面部表情丰富经常使人忍俊不禁,游戏操作简单,玩家除了体验到调酒师的乐趣外还...
1、经典的休闲益智模拟游戏; 2、清新简洁的游戏画面; 3、多种挑战模式; 4、操作简单,容易控制。 展开+ 游戏截图 应用信息 名称:Crazy Bartender 版本:1.1 包名 MD5值:5ab047bacfbf1012505d3306d8abf893...
根据不同顾客的需求,制作出更多不同的种类,成为最出色的调酒师。 展开+ 游戏截图 应用信息 名称:Crazy Bartender 版本:1.1 包名 MD5值:5ab047bacfbf1012505d3306d8abf893
Pour the right mix ingredients, shake well and serve your drink. Miguel will tell you what he thinks about your talents. + Imagine, you are working behind a bar where you are preparing various drinks for customers. As a barman, you have to know how to prepare a lot of alcoholic and ...
Bartender: The Celebs Mix is a funny drink mixing game where your goal is to serve customers at a 5 star hotel the best drink of their life.
Mix and browse in style—day or night. Enjoy a sleek interface that adapts to your environment. --- Ready to elevate your cocktail game? Download now and discover cocktail recipes, manage your bar, and become the bartender everyone loves!