I found most of “unknown loser critic’s” commentary to be total bullshit. I had never played Nation States, and probably never will though my friends find it to be exhilarating. Furthermore this Blog didn’t sell the book to me, a friends glowing remarks about the audio book did. I ...
So I did it mostly as an experiment, but I also think that, you know, again, just to go back to, why did I start the email loser? It’s I needed to get into it to sort of understand how to use it. And so that’s essentially what I’m doing there too. Nathan:[00:32:24]...
comining,whining,incompetentloser.Dammit,Wyman,hesaidto theoverhead,dontyouunderstandthattheyremessingwithmymind? Howwouldyouweatheragoodlookatyourself,youbrass-ted diplomat? Histransceiverbuzzed,andhepressedthekey.ThisisBaxter. Wyman.Well,boy,itlooksasthoughyouhaveroyallyscrewedupthe works.Tolyouthetruth,...