Barrier Potential across Semiconductor P-N Junction and Resting Membrane Potentialdoi:10.1016/S1880-4276(11)80040-2ToshifumiSugiuraWileyJournal of Arrhythmia
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6.2.1 Potential Barrier Height and the Schottky Effect The potential barrier at the interface between a metal and an insulator (or a semiconductor) prevents the easy injection of electrons from the metal into the insulator. This section discusses the factors causing the lowering of such a barrier...
Fig. 1.Diminution of cerebral blood flow leads to loss of transmembrane potential (1) which causes accumulation of PINK 1 on mitochondrial membrane (2) which inturn recruits PARKIN (3) and this complex is tagged by ubiquitin (4). VDAC, Mfn, F1S1 and FUNDC 1recognises ubiquitin and binds ...
In addition, we found that the phase of α-Ta(–N) functions as an effective barrier against Cu diffusion and that Cu/TaN(3–5%)/n +–p junction diodes are able to sustain a 30 min furnace anneal up to 500°C without causing degradation of the electrical characteristics. The high-...
An analysis of the solar cell properties of an Al P N Si Schottky diode has been made assuming a generalised impurity distribution in the P-type doped layer. The effect of the image force potential on the effective barrier height is considered. The effect of a constant built-in feld in th...
Therefore, conducting a comprehensive analysis of the impact of pEVs on the intestinal barrier is essential for understanding the mechanisms underlying gut microbial community-host interactions. This analysis could help uncover novel functions and potential applications for probiotics and facilitate the ...
2c), which might lead to impair the pluripotency of spermatogonial stem cells in diabetic patients35 as we observed (Supplementary Fig. 2d–f). In this study, we are particularly interested with those potential influences of Sertoli cells dysfunction on spermatogenesis, as the activity of several...
Barrier Dysfunction as a Potential Cause of Intestinal Inflammation in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Impact of Barrier and Channel Properties of Tight Junction Proteins in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Specialized Epithelial Cells Have Innate Immune Cell Functions Influence of the Gut Microbiota on Intestinal Barrie...
Antioxidant Defenses against Pollution and Other Environmental StressesAntioxidant Function of Selenoneine and Other Selenium CompoundsAntioxidant Phytochemicals for Promoting Human Health and Well-BeingAntioxidant Potential of Crop PlantsAntioxidant Properties in Novel Feed Ingredients for FishAntioxidant Research in...