我的世界give指令,给予自己。barrier屏障command_block命令方块light_block 64 15六十四个光源方块(亮度15)structure_void结构方块structure_block结构方块(评论补充)(前面要写/give @s )
To obtain a barrier block in Minecraft, follow the steps below: Once you are inside the game, open the chat window by pressing the T key in your keyboard. Type in the command below and click on Enter to execute: /give @p barrier If you plan to obtain more than 1 barrier block, sim...
/give @s repeating_command_block 获得循环命令方块/give @s command_block_minecart 获得命令方块矿车/give @s deny 获得拒绝方块/give @s allow 获得允许方块/give @s structure_block 获得结构方块/give @s structure_void 获得结构空位/give @s barrier 获得屏障方块/give @s border_block 获得边界方块/...
Craftable Barrier BlockMinecraft 1.10.2 Dot_Silver Requirements: Forge The Craftable Barrier Blocks Mod is a very simple one with many applications. It’s a single block that is invisible and unbreakable unless you are holding the block while breaking it. It starts out as a red, crossed out ...
give @s command_block/clear @a tnt/gamerule commandblockoutput false/gamemode 0/difficulty 2/difficulty 3/effect @s clear§/gamerule mobgriefing false/give @p command_block/give @p deny/give @p allow/give @p barrier/give @p border_blockkk语弹搜索阿凉execute @a ~~~ particle minecraft:mob...
In Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac), the syntax to give a player a barrier (invisible block) using the/give commandis: /give <player> barrier [amount] Definitions playeris the name of the player (or atarget selector) that you wish to give the barrier to. ...
In Minecraft, a barrier is an invisible block that players can not go through. It is an item that you can not make with a crafting table or furnace and it is not available through the Creative Inventory menu. You can only add a barrier to your inventory using a game command....
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