In order to explore the strategy of color use in architectural design, Depthmap, a space syntax analysis tool, is used to study the design methods and rules of color in architecture through two residential works of Barragan, namely Barragan House and Girardi House. The s...
巴拉甘对墨西哥本土手工、美术很感兴趣,除此之外,欧洲现代主义、基督教符号也是他的兴趣点,甚至流行巨星,比如大卫鲍伊具有中性气质的伴侣伊曼,她的带框照片就放在卧室的书柜。 吉拉迪住宅 Gilardi House 墨西哥最出名的建筑师,现代运动的象征,出生成长于瓜达拉哈拉一个富有的天主教家庭,是7个小孩之一。尽管大学学的是...
Research on Luis Barragan's Color Design Strategy Based on Space Syntax: Take Luis Barragan House and Studio and Francisco Girardi House as Examples The color in the works of Luis Barragan is extensive and poetic. In order to explore the strategy of color use in architectural design, Depthmap,...
IBM科技中心,墨西哥城,Ricardo Legorreta. 1997. Entrance, Pietro Lopez House, Mexico City, Luis Barragan, 1949. Tim Street-Porter Pietro Lopez之家入口,墨西哥城,Luis Barragan,1949. Tim Street-Porter拍摄 Jesus (Chucho) Reyes Ferreira 墨西哥“原住民”画家 Jesus (Chucho) Reyes Ferreira作品 Barragan: ...
Food House Tore Through Hyperpop in 2020. Now, They’re Back for Seconds. By Kieran Press-Reynolds News YHWH Nailgun Share New Song “Animal Death Already Breathing” By Walden Green News The Hard Quartet Share New Songs “Lies (Something You Can Do)” and “Coreopsis Trail” By Walden Gre...
Casa Luis Barragan House Patio The Luis Barragán House and Studio, also known as Casa Luis Barragán, is a seminal work of architecture in Mexico City. Designed and inhabited by the renowned Mexican architect, the property was completed in 1948 and exemplifies Barragán’s distinctive style. Now...
Luis Barragan House/StudioLuis Barragan (1902-1988), bornand raised in Guadalajara, Mex-ico, was a modern architectwhose works have influenced con-temporary building designs in hisnative country and beyond. His archi-tecture responds to the contextual andnatural inheritance of Mexico, signify-ing ...
The article focuses on the concept of abstract neo-plasticity and its architectural manifestation in the Luis Barragan House/Studio in Guadalajara, Mexico of 1947. It states that Barragan's architecture responds to the contextual and natural inheritance of Mexican art signifying a new residential ...
吉拉迪住宅 Gilardi House 墨西哥最出名的建筑师,现代运动的象征,出生成长于瓜达拉哈拉一个富有的天主教家庭,是7个小孩之一。尽管大学学的是工程学,巴拉甘在学校导师——建筑师奥古斯丁毕萨夫的引导下对建筑产生了兴趣。他的传记中提到对他至关重要的一段经历,是1925-1926年在法国、西班牙的长途旅行。他在西班牙见到...
in the Luis Barragan House / Studio of 1947Ho, Y Oung O C