Email Protection provides the most comprehensive protection against all13 email threats types, from spam and ransomware to socially engineered threats such as spear phishing, business email compromise, hacks and direct injection account takeover. Microsoft 365 Spam Protection!
Cloud Security Email Security Endpoint Security Network Security Server Security Cyber Warranty Barracuda XDR Integrations Our ever-growing list of integrations can be leveraged to complement your existing tech stack and easily expand your service offering. The list features Barracuda Email Protec...
Barracuda Cloud-to-Cloud Backup automatically backs up all your Exchange Online email, OneDrive for Business, OneNote, SharePoint, Teams and Groups data to the cloud. Microsoft recommends using a third-party backup for Microsoft 365, and Barracuda Cloud-to-Cloud Backup is one of the easiest bac...
Barracuda Cloud-to-Cloud Backup provides comprehensive, scalable protection for Office 365 Barracuda Cloud-to-Cloud Backup automatically backs up all your Exchange Online email, OneDrive for Business, OneNote, SharePoint, Teams and Groups data to the cloud. Microsoft recommends using a third-party ba...
Brandable, customizable reports are available to enable you to illustrate the work completed as part of the service. DOWNLOAD THE DATASHEET Barracuda XDR Product Family Cloud Security Email Security Endpoint Security Network Security Server Security ...
Offload CPU-intensive tasks like antivirus and DDoS filtering to the cloud reduces the processing load on the appliance and to ensure that threats never reach the network perimeter. The Barracuda Email Security Gateway is integrated with a cloud-based service that pre-filters email before delivery ...
ensuring a seamless experience from trial to purchase. Explore our user-friendly product trials and leverage free scanning tools to assess your environment's security posture. Additionally, our partnerships with Channel Partners, Managed Service Providers, and major Cloud Service Providers like AWS facili...
Hot storage deals that'll melt your budget Brand new tech that'll blow your mind Insider secrets only the tech elite know Email Address Sign Up for Email By subscribing, you agree to receive exclusive offers, the latest updates on Seagate products and services, and other marketing and promotio...
2TB 1TB 500GB Spindle Speed (RPM) 5400 5400 Cache (MB) 256 Where to Buy Details Store more, compute faster, and do it confidently with the proven reliability of BarraCuda internal hard drives Build a powerhouse gaming computer or desktop setup with a variety of capacities and form factors ...
2) Easy to handle central cloud-based management portal3) Email encryption facility for outbound emails What do you dislike about the product? Occasionally, it mistakenly identifies genuine email activity as positive when it's actually negative, resulting in potential financial harm. The cost is ...