If the second part of the 17th century was not a great period of innovation in French art, this was in no small degree due to the role played by the King and his court as arbiters of fashion, style and art. Artists who wished to make their way in life knew that to do so they ...
Opulence, grandeur, heavy ornamentation, and rich colors were the defining characteristics of fashion throughout Europe in the 17th century. No one demonstrated this baroque style to greater effect than King Carl Gustav of Sweden, who wore such a richly decorated doublet at his coronation in 1654...
Note that opera, discussed later, often is performed in the original language, which many listeners do not understand. The reasons are many. Fashions stimulate singers to pretend inculturated, multilingual. But an opera star traveling around Europe cannot learn classic operas in many languages. Th...
The article concludes by questioning whether there is a similarity between the recent fashion for derestoration and the 17th-century sculptors' attempt to give restored works an up-to-date look by combining freedom in the treatment of accessories with respect for the actual remains....
1 2021/8/5 LUKE2 Theearly17thcenturymarkedatimeofchangefortheRomanCatholicreligion.Aturningpointthatsymbolizedtheirstrengthasacongregationandtheintelligenceoftheircreativeminds.InresponsetotheProtestantReformationoftheearlier16thcentury,RomanCatholicsembarkedonaprogramofrestoration,anewwayoflivingthatbecameknownasthe...
1.alsoBaroqueOf, relating to, or characteristic of a style in art and architecture developed in Europe from the early 17th to mid-18th century, emphasizing dramatic, often strained effect and typified by bold, curving forms, elaborate ornamentation, and overall balance of disparate parts. ...
which shows a Bolognese influence and anticipates the mood of the Rococo style. Coypel’s style evolved in aneclecticfashion. His admiration ofRubensemerged in hisDemocritus(1692), and soon afterward the influence ofPoussinwas felt. This combination of influence is seen in Coypel’s most noted ...
Baroque art and architecture, the visual arts and building design and construction produced during the era in the history of Western art that roughly coincides with the 17th century. The earliest manifestations, which occurred in Italy, date from the latter decades of the 16th century, while in ...
Japonism Art & Fashion: Characteristics & Examples Japonism Definition, History & Examples Medieval Stained-Glass Windows | Definition, Invention & Purpose 14th Century Art | Overview, Paintings & Themes Medieval Bestiaries: Definition & Explanation Art in Pre-Renaissance Italy: Trends & Transitions New...
Baroque architecture, starting in the early 17th century in Italy, took the humanist Roman vocabulary of Renaissance architecture and used it in a new rhetorical, theatrical, sculptural fashion, expressing the triumph of absolutist church and state. New architectural concerns for color, light and ...