“In the later, probably ninth-century, prologue to the Senchas Már, the principal early Irish law book, it was claimed that a panel of bishops, poets, and lawyers compiled the book; the three bishops were Patrick, his successor, Benén, and Cairnech.” (Stalman & Charles-Edwards) The...
The center section of the shaft (right) contains an image of Adam and Eve. It is a depiction of part of the story of The Fall told in Genesis chapter three. In this scene, Adam and Eve stand under a tree that has a double stem. The tree spreads out above them. The left hand fig...
East Face:Harbison identifies three panels on this face of the cross, pictured to the right. E 1: “On the bottom of the east face three figures seem to hold up sticks or spears and advance to the right towards a (?) seated figure, behind whom there may be another figure. The (?)...