Barney Stinson (born 1976), is one of the five main characters in How I Met Your Mother, portrayed by Neil Patrick Harris. He first meets Ted Mosby in MacLaren's Pub in 2001 then initiates himself as part of the gang, fancying himself as Ted's best frien
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I love you With a great big hug And a kiss from me to you Won't you say you love me too I love you, Song : 23: Old Macdonald: 24: I size:4.35 MB | click to download Barney i love you mp3 song Barney « barney i love you (happy birthday barney s version).mp3. ...
Current EmployeesBarney Stinson•Arthur Hobbs•Bilson•Jenkins•Toy Guy•Marcus Danesco•Frank•YouTube Clip Guy•Douglas•PJ•Gary Blauman Former EmployeesTed Mosby•Marshall Eriksen•Randy Wharmpess•Meeker•Louisa Mendoza