这段话是米国一个 HIMYM 粉写在 Facebook 和 Tumblr 上的(转自 HIMYM 贴吧,节选一段) I could have lived with the mother dying. I could have lived with this. I could have been happy. I could have made it work. 我本来可以忍受老妈这个角色的死去,真的,我会发自内心的为这个剧的结尾祝福,高兴...
觉得HIMYM超级有爱,每次他们只要一提到什么他们上传的视频啊,网站啊,总能立刻找到,搞的非常齐全!! 而且Barney老人家的博客我也时常去看,也是经常更新,篇篇精彩。 刚回顾第6季第4集时,barney提到的缩胸网站,我也去观看了下。很有爱,还有留下邮箱,可以写信过去“咨询”,不知道真写过去之后,会有啥回应。 缩胸广告...
人人有意向翻译Bar..事实上我在思考最后那句大家意向如何的意思是不是要去表示一下支持anyway 一直很渴望拜读一下Barney叔叔的大作 虽然不知道什么时候才能出成品 不过现在在精神亢奋中
– For HIMYM Fans 这篇剧评可能有剧透 By DefayI have been watching How I Met Your Mother recently. I love it so much that I spent an entire weekend watching it non-stop. The show is really hilarious yet full of wisdom. Despite how insane and exaggerate the stories the narrator tells are...
‘s fan http://barneystinson.info/category/theories/ 超多图片:http://www.fanpop.com/spots/barney-stinson/images/709043 BRO CODE下载: http://cid-7bb88ebc0420b147.skydrive.live.com/browse.aspx/entertainment/%E4%BC%A0%E8%AF%B4%E4%B8%AD%E7%9A%84The%20Bro%20Code%EF%BC%88book%20and...
-Quotes of his book 'BroCode'!! The app is dedicated to all friends watching HIMYM & barney ;) to bring lots of joy in life Barney Awesome更新内容 此版本中的新功能:More sounds added :) Few Crash issues fixed :) 更多 网友评论更多 下载豌豆荚,参与网友评论互动 暂无评论 应用下载排行...