Barney in Concert: Directed by Jim Rowley. With Rickey Carter, Brian Eppes, Leah Gloria, Alexander Jhin. Taped at the Majestic Theatre, Barney and the Backyard Gang along with a new friend Baby Bop sing classic songs and dance along.
The Backyard Gang Rap Help Protect the Earth Me and My Teddy I Can Laugh Good Manners 1992 The Barney Bag Animal Parade Riding in the Car The Sister Song My Family's Just Right for Me The Stranger Song Tina's Sad Song The Clapping Song Move Your Body Shape Up Freeze Animals in Motion...
("Barney and the Backyard Gang" and "Barney & Friends" were originally developed by) (founder) (originally developed by: "Barney and the Backyard Gang" and "Barney & Friends") | Kathy Parker (originally developed by) (developed by) (developer) ("Barney and the Backyard Gang" and "Barney...
being a good friend and helping others”) with a regular group of children called the Backyard Gang. Because he’s too banal for adults--by design, his creators say, to avoid information overload--Barney is pretty much an