The valley serves as a backdrop for a variety of adventures, where Barney, his dinosaur friends, and a crew of diverse human characters embark on journeys that spark curiosity, foster teamwork, and cultivate creativity. Main Characters: Pre-Existing Puppet/Full-Body Characters: 1. Barney: The...
Barney's more tender, former personality has not entirely disappeared, however. He is very loyal to his family and friends. This is shown as he acted as Ted's wingman for the entire series and helped Marshall get a job when he had financial troubles. Also, Barney comforts Robin at the ...
Barney Calhoun, an undecided major after two years at Martinson College,[3]is employed as a mid-level security officer at theBlack Mesa Research Facility, with Level 3 security clearance and is accommodated in the Area 8 Topside Dormitories.[3]He is friends withGordon FreemanandIsaac Kleiner,[...
Friends & FamilyBarney Stinson•Ted Mosby•Lily Aldrin•Marshall Eriksen• •Robin Scherbatsky Sr.•Katie Scherbatsky•Genevieve Scherbatsky•Alan Thicke PlacesMacLaren's Pub•The Apartment•Robin's apartment•Hoser Hut•Metro News 1•Come On, Get Up New York!•World Wide ...