About Barnes & Noble: Barnes & Noble, Inc (BN). is a large book store chain. The company is a bookseller with the largest number of retail outlets in the United States. BN is also a retailer of content, digital media, and educational products. The company operates 630 retail stores in...
Customer Service (在职员工) - Philadelphia, PA - 2014年6月23日 The typical day at barnes&noble would be you clock in speak with the textbok manager discuss what needs to be done for the day and continue with work while helping students and faculty in between. 优点 Flexible ...
Bookseller (离职员工) - Philadelphia, PA - 2019年1月29日 It was pretty interesting for like the first two days since people were still buying textbooks and etc for back to school. After a while it slowly drying out and then that is where managers starting telling me do stuff that I didn...